Boony's Forum Posts

  • I'd like for enemy helicopters to tilt in the direction they are moving, but straighten up when they are not. How do I tell C2 to check if an object is moving positively or negatively along the x-axis?

  • Anyone remember the Animator vs. Animation Flash cartoons awhile back? What if someone made a game that is also a tutorial on the basics of using C2? It can be a platform or adventure game.

  • It would be nice to Print events from within C2. It would also be nice to have a button for a printable version of the tutorials on this site that allows us to only print the tutorial and not the entire webpage. If there was an option to print PDF, I could save paper and always have it with me, even when I'm not online.

  • I think they could use some more options in the store too. Themes would help. Why not add some free stuff in there, just to get people to visit and encourage them to look around a bit more. Visitors might come across something they like.

    Free product ideas:

    • PDF of C2 shortcuts for printout. You can print it out and place it next to your computer while you work.
    • PDF of C2 tips, best practices, time savors.
    • A printable paper sculpture using the characters on the homepage.
    • Place the Free Assets Bundle into the Store.
    • Make the link for the free assets at the bottom of the screen point to it in the store.
    • Free printable flash cards for C2 events, testing your knowledge.
    • Pack of C2 themed desktop backgrounds
    • Printable C2 postcards
    • Free C2 desktop icons (I use my own icons for folders, assets, etc.)

    I might be mistaken, but the store doesn't get updated very often with new content. I pretty much know what's in there, so there really isn't any point to keep visiting it. Adding stuff on a regularly could be helpful.

  • Even though your game isn't pixel art, all raster images are made up of pixels. If you have resized the image in an editor, chances are the editor created a slight color change along the edge. It's called the halo effect.

    C2's built in editor definitely does it, and Photoshop does it unless you change the settings to "Nearest Neighbor" when resizing, but that's only really good for pixel art.

    It might be a good idea to zoom in on the background image and look for a variation in color along the edge. Even the slightest color variation will create a seam. If you can't tell just by looking at it, try to paint the 1 pixel edge along the outside of the image to see if it breaks the seam.

    If you work larger than what you end up using in game, and the art comes to the edge of the canvas, this will always be an issue when resizing. Converting from vector to raster also causes this issue.

    Hope that helps.

  • I think C2 needs an updated look. If it's too much trouble or there's not enough time for Scirra to do it, why not hand it over to the community and allow us to design our own themes. I know I can already edit the theme colors, but I'd like to replace buttons and icons too.

    -Maybe Scirra can make money by selling premium themes in the store.

    -Maybe allow users to submit their themes to the store.

    -Maybe create a forum just to encourage artists to design and share themes.

    DeviantArt is a great example of letting the community influence and shape the site's look and functionality. One way to make users more loyal to your product is to make the product more personable. Another example is Apple products. They probably have the most loyal user base.

    Just something to think about.

  • I agree with the original post. I think C2 can export to enough platforms now, and it would better to improve some of the functionality.

    One thing that bothers me about C2 is the Ribbon at the top of the screen with the Home/View/Events tabs. A lot of the shortcuts in "view" can be moved to Preferences and then Home and View can be combined. Then you have only 2 tabs in the Ribbon and depending on what you are working on, Layouts or Events, the ribbon can change tabs automatically. It doesn't make a lot of sense to be in Layout view with the events tab showing in the Ribbon and have everything greyed out.

  • I don't really understand the last part of your question. Can you rephrase it?

    Maybe write in it in Spanish too, so a Spanish speaking member can try to answer your question.

  • Sorry, I don't think you can. I didn't find any icons in the themes folder. The next best thing you can do is design your own icons, create a mockup and submit them here for consideration.

  • Has there been any official word on a official release of Construct for mac? I just signed up and would love if I can do work on my Macbook.

    I would like a Mac version too, but Scirra is only two people and most PC users here don't want them spending time developing for other platforms, because it might mean they won't receive updates as often as they would like.

    Between you and me, I think they are worried that Ashley and Tom will like Macs so much, they may never come back to the platform. I can't blame them. Once you go Mac....

  • That's because the buttons are shy and don't want to be touched like that.

  • I went ahead an made a few quick mockups about how C2 might look on a mobile device.

    When editing Layers:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    When editing Events:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    When the windows are hidden:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The dark section of the menu ribbon is the only thing that changes in the ribbon. If an event sheet is selected, the event bar appears and if in layer view, the layer bar appears.

    The C2 logo serves as the options/preference button. The icon in the upper right corner is the export button. The square icon below it is the toggle button to hide and show all windows and bars.

    Common touch gestures apply:

    • Pinch to zoom in.
    • Pull to zoom out.
    • 3 finger tap to center 100%.
    • 2 fingers to pan.
    • Double tap on screen to add new objects.
    • Double tap on sprite to edit it.
    • Tap buttons to activate them.
    • Touch and drag around multiple objects to select them.
    • Swipe across event to toggle it on/off.
    • Tap on textbox to bring up keyboard
    • Tap "Done" on keyboard to close it.
    • And whatever else I'm forgetting.

    There might be a better way of laying it out. I didn't really put too much thought into it. Instead of the taps, you could probably just swipe from the edge to open the properties, projects, objects, tilemap bars.

    Other than the quick and lazy icons, does it look ok?

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  • tgeorgemihai

    I see where you are coming from. I bought CS6 Master Collection for both PC and Mac when I heard Adobe was switching to subscription based software. There's no way I'm willing to pay $50-75 monthly for software I can't own. Funny, I just noticed they are selling CS6 again. I guess CC isn't making as much money as they would have liked. :/

    If Adobe lowered the price to $20 a month, I would consider it. I would definitely be willing to pay once for unlimited access. C2 doesn't have to be subscription based to make it work.



    I don't understand the popularity of Remote Desktop apps. The lag bothers me and it's counter-intuitive. Also, most desktop apps are not optimized for the touch screen. It's better to have a native app that's built for the platform.

    Anyway, it's only a suggestion. I still think it's a great idea. Making C2 available to more paying customers is always a good thing. Especially since there is already a free C2 clone available. Scirra needs to make some strong business moves to get a head of these other companies. The only thing constant in this world is change.


    Here's another browser based game engine I found.


  • tgeorgemihai

    I see where you are coming from. I bought CS6 Master Collection for both PC and Mac when I heard Adobe was switching to subscription based software. There's no way I'm willing to pay $50-75 monthly for software I can't own. Funny, I just noticed they are selling CS6 again. I guess CC isn't making as much money as they would have liked. :/

    If Adobe lowered the price to $20 a month, I would consider it. I would definitely be willing to pay once for unlimited access. C2 doesn't have to be subscription based to make it work.



    I don't understand the popularity of Remote Desktop apps. The lag bothers me and it's counterintuitive. Also, most desktop apps are not optimized for the touch screen. It's better to have a native app that's built for the platform.

    Anyway, it's only a suggestion. I still think it's a great idea. Making C2 available to more paying customers is always a good thing. Especially since there is already a free C2 clone available. Scirra needs to make some strong business moves to get a head of these other companies. The only thing constant in this world is change.


    Here's another browser based game engine I found.


  • Ashley

    What tablets have you tried? I agree smart phone screens are too small, but using an iPad and a Windows TabletPC are like night and day. The iPad's screen is taller and made for apps on the touch screen, whereas Windows TabletPCs are short and wide for movies and built to allow the touch screen to work. Huge difference in user experience.

    Windows TabletPC's can't decide what they want to be. What it really boils down to is that desktop apps are made for PCs and mobile apps are made for touch screens. Trying to use a desktop app on a tablet is a horrible experience. Microsoft hasn't figured that out yet.

    If only to humor me, if I created an animated demo of how I would go about designing the UI for a mobile version of C2, would you give it some consideration? I have a talent for designing UI and I already have some ideas on how to make the UI even easier to use. If an app is built to take advantage of the touch screen's strengths, then it creates a far better experience.

    And what do you think about a browser based C2? It would solve the cross platform issue.