boolean's Forum Posts

  • I'm fiddling about with this at the moment - quick question: If you spawn two playerUnits and one enemyUnit, should the one enemyUnit stop both playerUnits or just one of them?

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  • nothaseo: Very cool. The water coming off the bottom of the scooter when you hit the ocean is a nice touch <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    It's a little strange right now that if you let go of all the keys you slowly float backwards. It makes dodging bullets a bit more difficult than it should be because your constantly tapping right to stay in the same sport. Apart from that, looks good!

  • Hi guys

    I was thinking of posting a tutorial on this site, but seeing as it's my first one I'm a little worried <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

    Does anyone know if it's possible to un-publish a tutorial? If it turns out my tutorial isn't very good it would be nice to pull it down and rework it a bit.

    Also, what's the etiquette on things like this - Should I post a regular thread with the tutorial in it first, and only then if it gets some good feedback post it to the actual tutorial list?


  • Now you mention it that is a little strange. Maybe Ashley can tweak the IDE to add that in.

    For now, I just create new blank events the same way you do - add a new blank sub-event and then drag it to where I need it. The only time it gets a bit annoying is when it jumps to the bottom of a long event list and you have to go hunting for it <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Haha, great minds think alike <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm confused - I thought 0 was right, 180 was left, 90 was down and 270 was up. Do I have them all mixed up? Seems like even after making a topic asking about this a while back it's still tricking me.

    That being said - Isn't there an angle gauge in C2 already? If you have the properties window open and click the little square on the sprite that lets you rotate it, the numbers in the angle property update as you move it. Does this not do what you need? True it only helps when you are working on the layout editor, not during ACE's.

  • mmmm, bit of a long shot here, but try clicking on the icicle_bullet object in the project list (so that it selects all instances of the bullet) and set the bullet behaviour "Set Angle" to "No". I did a quick test here and that seemed to fix it.

    Failing that, do you mind posting your capx to dropbox?

  • Holy heck, Mortar Melon looks amazing! Ironically it's too bad it's only on Windows 8 <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />. I'd happily pay a few bucks for that on Android.

    Really good entries guys, you're a talented bunch!

  • Try moving the line where you are setting the bullet angle after the line where you spawn the icicle_bullet. It's probably setting an angle on an object that doesn't actually exist yet.

  • A few little suggestions that might come in handy. I know you guys are busy as busy can be, but maybe they can go onto item #235235 in your TODO list <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    1) Replace object: A few times I've switched from one sprite like EnemyA to EnemyB, but I have to go through every event one by one and change the object. Usually I just revert to using wingrep on the xml files and manually do a find+replace. Having a "Replace object" on multiple lines in the editor would be super handy.

    2) When creating a new object family, when you add a sprite with it's own instance variables it does not get added automatically to the family. If you try and add the same variables you get a conflict, or in the case of behaviours you end up with a duplicate. In this situation again I find it easier to just jump into the .caproj and edit it manually, but it would be nice if the IDE could do this.

    3) When undoing, I see "Added Action", "Changed Variable", "Pasted Action" and so forth in the corner of the IDE, but I have no idea where that is taking place. It would be fantastic to be able to click that text and actually jump to the event sheet and line that took place.

    Like I said I'm not saying you should guys should implement these right now, just maybe some little things to add one day when you have some downtime.

    Cheers! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Very cool!

    I actually kinda liked the auto-fire. The only reason games usually don't do it is because the ships have a charge attack that requires you to hold down the button. Either that or they have some sort of mechanic where you want to try and get as many enemies on screen at once and blow them up in combos, or perform bullet scraping. If you have no charge attacks, I think the auto-fire is fine (especially of you port this to mobile).

    Top work!

  • I agree. I downloaded my project from SVN to do some work on my laptop only to discover all the plugins missing. That made for a fun train ride <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

    The only danger I see is that now people have the ability to post a capx and automaticaly run possibly unknown or dubious javascript files. I don't know if any real damage could be done this way.

  • Kyatric sounds correct here - I noticed this little performance bonus the other day where I have a sprite that explodes and creates lots of little shrapnel pieces, each one a little 6x6 sprite. The first time it runs the browser drops pretty heavily in FPS for half a second. But after that, despite having destroyed the sprites and creating them again in C2, I no longer get the frame-drop of creating them. I was considering adding in a pre-cache step on layout start that generates a bunch of sprites that I know I will need, like my shrapnel sprites, but I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not.

  • Different animations on a sprite can have their own collision boxes. I have sprites with Click/Drag with an "EditMode" animation that has a big collision box, and a "RunTime" collision box that is smaller.

  • Wow your partner is a very talented artist. Very nice Rayman level animation and art <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

    And it's a very nicely constructed platformer. The foreground effects are very cool.

    The only thing I found a little strange was the camera when the player is moving through the Y axis - it seems to get quite jittery. When falling from large heights it gets very noticeable.

    Overall awesome work! I hope you don't mind if I add it to my signature?