BluePhaze's Forum Posts

  • Great job on the summaries, thanks, I use them to make sure I didn't miss anything in the releases for the month... On a side note, could you maybe start including any contests/game james, etc... that you know of for the month covered by the post?

  • That would be correct, what affects it is creating multiple objects with the same images (you get a sprite sheet for each object) which is why it is better to create one object and use multiple instances when you need to have more of that object.

    Also the format of the image can affect the size of course, look at the manual for png formats supported.

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  • Can't quite pin point it yet, but I believe it has to do with you setting it back to the default animation. As that is whast plays instead of reverseup.

  • Sorry to keep bugging you today :) Playing through the updated demo I am still getting the fire issue though now without the infinite drop. I just don't die when in the fire, this can be done at multiple places in the first stage. Below is a screenshot of what I am getting, notice that I am still alive you just can't see me due to the fire, though you can see my feet:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Just noticed with the Windows download, you may want to have it remove the ' from the exe name as that may cause issues on some systems. Any special characters in the executable file name should be avoided if possible.

  • Sweet, thanks much! That makes sense, I didn't notice that I had leveled up. Now it makes sense to me where I got the daggers!

  • Awesome! Also I seem to have picked up the dagger without knowing it. What do I look for to know when I am going to pick up a weapon? Are there icons for them or just small objects similar to the coins? Was thinking similar to castlevania when a weapon drops the sprite for it is big enough to see it pretty well against the background etc... not sure if the game has multiple weapons but if so, it may be good to make the dropped weapons a bit more visually noticeable in case you want to not pick one up if you like your current weapon, etc... just a thought, there is a very good chance I just missed seeing the dagger before I picked it up, but thought I would ask.

  • Hello All,

    I am not quite to the point where I am adding the music to my game yet, but wanted to get some feedback from those who have written apps/games for Windows 8 and Windows Phone already.

    I know that on some platforms especially the web that there are sound issues. When playing an HTML 5 game as a Windows 8 or Windows Phone app are there issues with sounds vs music, etc...? Since the whole package is "installed" as an app, there should be no streaming or loading delay. But are there any gotchas with doing sound for these platforms that I should plan for once I get into the music creation/production phase?

    Sounds vs. Music



    Limitations on number of sounds playing, etc...

    Memory Usage for Music?


    James Waymire

  • Oh, also, just a question on the health bar, wouldn't it make more sense to have it fill up, instead of drain upwards? As if it was liquid filling the health bar, losing health would lower it from the top as opposed to bringing it upward from the bottom... it confused me at first but I got used to it.

    Loving it so far! Keep it up!

  • Loving the demo, a little bit of a bug, once you get to the underground section of the first stage you can fall down between the platforms through the fire and you will basically fall forever :)

  • If anyone wants a test on an ARM based surface and can't get a hold of one, let me know and I can test your app on mine. I am wondering if the performance and firmware updates over the past couple months have changed much for perf on Surface RT.

  • Yeah, always test direct as an app as opposed to running through visual studio when gauging performance. VS does a lot of debug stuff that slows it down.

  • Thanks much! It is providing us with a lot of good info. I may have to start doing this a couple times a year with updated questions based on how trends in the app/game world evolve.

  • I have been getting similar issues for the last few builds, seems to happen to me when I have jump throughs that are thick. It seems like it has a set height that it expects to use for the platform and if you use one that is thicker than that, you get some issues where it seems to detect that there is a solid platform underneath the jump through. This usually happens to me with jumpt through sprites where I run off the edge then immediately turn back the other way (back toward the platform) and my character will catch in mid-air just under the edge of the platform for an instant. Maybe not as bad as your issue, but still seems to be related.

    It's almost as if the jump through has some type of invisible semi-solid platform directly beneath it that you can get caught on some times.

    Happens in IE for me...

  • Odd that it detects it with right but not with left... cesisco I will try it with my SideWinder keyboard which detects 20+ keys being pressed at a time due to anti-ghosting key tech. And see if I see the same issue.