blekdar's Forum Posts

  • Oh damn man. This is looking slick. Honestly though the low frame animation doesn't look bad at all, suits the gameplay quite well.

    So, any chance of a demo anytime soon?

  • Shameless self-promotion here, but hey, I thought it was pretty cool: ... sp?c=63914 ... announced/

    Plus you guys have been hella supportive and would like to share these types of things with you all.

  • I meant the pipes with the saws coming out of them - those were big pixelly beasts for sure.

    And the blur has a small chance of not quite working on some mobiles. It is a good thing you aren't using it during gameplay, but it might make sense to have a mild backup, like overlaying what gets blurred with slightly lighter or darker plane (so there is some separation even if the blur doesn't work).

    Also is that the built in blur? Have you tried giant blues from the fax forum? That might look even better.

    And yeah, the portal could avoid the fx, also you might get away with spawning a couple of green pixels a little ways away from it every 0.30 seconds or so which then get attracted to the center of it (or, for better performance just throw them out randomly every time they get close to the center). That would help sell it as a portal and just look neat in the process.

    Ohhhh you meant the doom machine. You think so? The sprites themselves aren't scaled in anyway. I think the pieces that hold the saws are 32x48, and the pipe holding them are just 16x16. Could be the shading.

    Yes it is the built in blur. I haven't tried blues but I can definitely look into that. Even so, I'm stupid for not having thought of this but a simple darkening of the background may work just as well. Something to toy around with for sure. Would help with performance even more.

    I'm going to rework the portal sprite one way or another. The effect has served it's purpose, but it is time to look at changing it up.

    Thanks again for the feedback. These are all great suggestions!

  • Looking great, that gameplay is TIGHT (wanna steal it... ah, temptation ). Three things, which are totally just my opinion:

    1) The different pixel sizes in gameplay seem to mush the neat visuals a little, such as those pipes with the saws in them - I think it would look neater if everything had the same pixel scale.

    Was it just the saws you noticed? They're only 32x32 (most sprites are either 8x8 or 16x16). It does have an effect applied to them, so that might be what's causing them to look a little odd.

    2) A similar "out of place" thing might be the rotating and fading green blocks when you smash them - perhaps a neat pixelly smash effect might look better, like spawning some particles, some 2x2px, some just a pixel, I think it might look great.

    This is a great idea! That's something I should be able to implement pretty easily too! Thank you for that one!

    3) As you are aiming at a mobile platform being careful with the shaders might be a good idea.

    We're talking about the portal aren't we? You are correct, that has an effect applied to it...and I should probably remove it and redo the portal sprite, to keep it consistent and running well.

    There is 1 effect that I want to keep at all costs, the little blur at the start and end of levels. I very much like the feel it gives. The rest I can probably k-bosh. Thanks for the input!

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  • This is long overdue, but here is the first 'official' gameplay video. Recorded off the PC version, it showcases some gameplay from the first World, and me dying a few times.

    So here you go, watch it in 720p60 if you can. It shows off how smooth it plays.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Let me know what you think!

  • Heyo heyo,

    Quick update on a few things.

    First: Blitz Breaker is now on IndieDB! Here's a link:

    Second: There is still a gameplay video inbound, I should be able to release it this week. A small alpha build will follow soon after, posted on GameJolt.

    Third: There's a Tumblr as well! For a more streamlined pic blogging mechanism:

    I'd be happy to follow anyone who follows me for some cross promoting. Lemme know!

    Fourth: Description has been changed to "One Handed Platformer" as I have changed the PC controls to work with one hand. This will be lefty friendly as well.

    And since I cannot leave a post without a picture, here is an early shot at a laser cannon:

    So many ways to die. Anyways, that's that. Have a good one everyboday!

  • What is your GPU?

    What does chrome://gpu say in chrome?

    Are there any errors in the browser console?

    What is it like in IE11 and Firefox?

    Are your drivers up to date?

    GPU is a GTX 860m

    Chrome runs it fine, but I will check that later today.

    Not that I know of. I'll check that too.

    IE11 runs everything in a lower resolution (unsure if that's normal?), firefox is fine as well.

    Yes, drivers are up to date.

    have you checked your exported folders image's maybe somethings going wrong if you are using a odd image size or something

    I can check that, the sprite is a 16x16 though, so I can't see the issue being image size.

    Also, since so far it looks like the effect is static - it would be a VERY good idea to do it without shaders as they tend to eat a decent chunk of performance (also possible compatibility problems as we can see here).

    This is a good suggestion, I just liked the look after the effect. What I do find odd though is that I have a few other effects on as well (another swirl, and a blur effect) and those have no issues at all.

    I'll have a look and play around with it more later today. Thanks everyone!

  • Hey everyone, normally I try to solve these on my own but I can't seem to figure this one out. I have applied a swirl effect onto a sprite to make it pretty, but it always glitches out after exporting it.

    This is what it looks like in preview using chrome:

    This is what it looks like after exporting to node webkit and android:

    What's really annoying is that if I use the node webkit preview, it appears just fine! Has anyone experienced this issue before? I would really appreciate any help/tips. Thank you!

  • Lot's of refining and problem solving, gonna make a gameplay video soon. In the meantime, here are the start of some rocket launchers. The missiles are fast and slightly seek.

  • This looks neat, I like the idea. I think with a minimal light hearted plot this could be something special. Artistically this is fantastic, so good job on that. I'm gonna follow this.

    One thing though, I'm not a fan of the title. I gather you're early on, but when you get a chance, you should work on a more catching title. Heck, you could even call it 'A Flappy Story', or 'SkyBound', or something like that. Just an idea.

  • A quick shot of some background animations from Robot 505.


    The future... Where human brains are grown and fused together with machines to create the perfect AI.

    Looks pretty good man. My only crit is that the brain's movements are very rigid. Maybe try smoothing out the bobbing a bit?

  • Little art update here. Working on the cut-scene type areas, which are basically playable intermissions with some light story elements.

    This is from the begining.

  • Shot of the first 'boss' type level.

  • I must say the visuals and the dynamism of the whole thing are highly appealing. Hopefully it's not annoying to control. Hoping to see a playable version soon.

    Thanks, I've over-thought the visual aspects way too much so this is somewhat comforting.

    The controls are very simple. Tap to start your jump, swiping flings the character in that direction (up, down, left, right). Hitting an object lets you fling again. I've also tried to make the interface as simple as I can to make things easier and more accessible.

    I'll probably post a short gameplay video once I sort out a few more things, and post it here once I do.

    As far as a playable version? That's a tough one, I would love to but I've run into audio issues with android / crosswalk. Some devices get a major delay, and the music doesn't want to loop or mute. If I can figure out what that's happening I will happily release an android alpha. Until then it's all iOS focused.

  • Long time no post. I suppose a happy new year is order!

    I've been mainly tightening things up, almost have the first of four worlds completed! (much rejoice). I was considering launching a small alpha for the first world, but I am unsure due to some issues I'm having with the audio in the android version. :handshakeL: :screamy: :handshakeR: Does anyone have any experience with doing alpha testing through iOS?

    Anyways, as for progress. Most of the base systems are now in place including: Score, stars, deaths, pixels (collectables for secrets), as well as the basic menu options.

    Now here's a gif:

    It's the results screen at the end of a world / section. I'm going to add a subtle BG soon, to break up the solid colour in the background, but nothing too fancy. Feedback is welcome.