You think it's ok to give away someone else's work for free?
Without asking them you're going to choose to take away any of their future sales?
The graphics are textured but its essentially a copy and paste of the entire rest of the game.
It can cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars to hire awesome designers to design and develop a world, its locations, histories, species and characters, clothing and technology styles, voices and personalities.
Companies and communities can and do make things using other people's Intellectual Property all the time because they ASK FIRST. And if they say no? That's saved everyone a metric butt-tonne of time.
You clearly haven't had any experience in industry, but these are not giant grey buildings that eat money. We're talking about groups of people who risk their own money on trying to make something cool, and yes make profit.
I find it really weird that most people have jobs which they do SOLELY for the money. "If it wasn't for the money, I'd quit" they say. But if someone else makes even more profit than you, now they're doing something immoral? This is "It's ok when I do it but awful if they do it" thinking.
If the group *really* want to continue with the remake, make a deal with the company. They might even be able to sell the work they've done to Square so they can bring out a HD revamp of an old classic, as is happening with other games. For all you know Square Enix could already making a HD remake themselves.
Loving a game does not make it your property.