i understand how to use lerp for the classic energy bar.
its very useful and seems like a way of creating a linear relationship between to changing values
what i dont understand is how come if i move an object like sprite2 for example with lerp using dt
that it suddenly turns into an ease out effect...i.e. non linear
so if i have sprite2.X=lerp(1,800,dt) i get a cool ease out effect...its great but i dont understand why its happening
i watch dt and its a constant value (more or less)
can someone explain this to me
also one more thing...that cool animation effect works great on every tick
but im having trouble initiating it on a click unless the mouse is held down to create a time event
ive tried powering it with a loop but that doesnt work
id like to be using this to lift up platforms at specific times as the player approaches for example. anyone have a trick to make that work
many thanks