blade33ru's Forum Posts

  • thanks you so much. thats about the level of complcation i expected

  • im sure it is. any pointers maybe

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  • the slider is great but anyone built a dial widget where u press and rotate top specific amount? like a volume dial?


  • the mindfaQ is good in that i understand it and generally is what im trying to do.... on the other hand it seems to have lost the all important easing out which was a nice effect

  • hey thanks for taking the time to responds. i seem to be having conceptual difficulties.

    so i've created a sprite and given it 3 instance variables as suggested -starttime, startvalue and duration

    so now my actions looks like this

    Mouse| On Left button Clicked on Sprite

    |Sprite Set starttime to time

    |Sprite Set startvalue to self.x

    |Sprite Set X to lerp(sprite.startvalue,800,clamp((time-self.starttime)/sprite.duration,0,1))

    i think its almost there. i put in a text field on tick to read out the lerp and when i click, the lerp is generating numbers between 100 and 800. if i can get it as a percentage maybe it will work

  • lol no links and no attachment button..great

  • still...i dont think it would be an ease out unless dt is somehow getting modified by the position of self...

    heres my file..pretty simple...nice ease how the hell does that work

  • it because the self.x is its not a static number as previously which caused the jitter so dt is mulitplying against a changing number causing the ease out

  • oops sorry...i mean this


    that eases out...but why?

  • i understand how to use lerp for the classic energy bar.

    its very useful and seems like a way of creating a linear relationship between to changing values

    what i dont understand is how come if i move an object like sprite2 for example with lerp using dt

    that it suddenly turns into an ease out effect...i.e. non linear

    so if i have sprite2.X=lerp(1,800,dt) i get a cool ease out effect...its great but i dont understand why its happening

    i watch dt and its a constant value (more or less)

    can someone explain this to me

    also one more thing...that cool animation effect works great on every tick

    but im having trouble initiating it on a click unless the mouse is held down to create a time event

    ive tried powering it with a loop but that doesnt work

    id like to be using this to lift up platforms at specific times as the player approaches for example. anyone have a trick to make that work

    many thanks

  • IM playing with the idea of having platforms on 2 different layers with paralax. one has layer fx of a blur.

    the idea is when the character jumps to the back paralaxed layer he becomes blurred too.

    it looks cool, but when i jumps there is some kind of positioning problem...i guess because the platform at back has a slighty different positioning due to paralax.

    so i need to find a way to offset his position when he goes back so that his position doesnt get offset

    I know i could solve this just adding an FX ot the character and turn it on and off but would be good to know how to do it properly...maybe using layertoCanvas or canvas to layer is a solution but need more info on what are the right properties to tweak


  • ahh thats the problem then cause it think my process is right,

  • yeah running as admin, and i followed that tutorial as I was going

  • ok this is probably a stupid question but im not really understanding the wifi preview instructions.

    heres my setup. 1 computer on cable router which is transmitting wifi round the house. the computer is plugged in directly to router and would like to wifi preview to my android phone which is on wifi.

    my phone has IP, i set up the firewall to open the ports, specify the telephone IP address in construct preferences, and try preview

    unable to start HTTP on port 50000. you may need to restart construct etc.

    so my question is i basically doing this correctly or should my PC be running on WIFI too? or am i totally misunderstanding the process

  • are u sure? that was my first idea but I found no disable on those behaviours.....u can do that with physics no problem