blade33ru's Forum Posts

  • hello..

    i need to switch between platform and the car behaviour.

    basically ive got a pengiun jumping around who goes into the water. the car behaviour seems pretty good for simulating swimming around.

    of course you cant disable either behaviour.

    im thinking maybe i create 2 objects and keep one hidden until i dive in then place it dynamically at same place as platform penguin.

    or maybe theres somehting i could do with the customMovement behaviour.

    any ideas what might work well. not liking the idea of trying to recreate the platform behaviour with custom...if thats possible

  • update....someone just pointed out to me i can get the effect using bullet with acceleration.


    still need to investigate lerp more tho

  • yeah ive been trying to do lerp for the past hour with no good results...text just kind of sits there and fades out using lerp for my health bar...i understand it more or less but not in the context of movement so much

  • FYI ive got very acceptable results using the FADE behaviour and also using the LITE Tween plugin. im kind of bumbed i coudnt figure it out natively.

    the relevant part is the feedback group. youve got to install the lite tween plugin...for it to work as is

    if anyone can point a way to doing a similar behaviour natively, would be much appreciated

    excuse the grfx...this is a learn construct project,not a grfx project

  • i trying to create some user feedback. when i collect a coin i want a number to pop up and follow the player with a bit of lag. kind of like used to happen in the old defender game. of course you might pick up a number of 'coins' so may be more than one on screen at a time.

    at the moment im creating a text instance on collision between player and coin then a for each to set position of the text. its static tho because the for loop is happening on a collision event and not an every tick event

    plus i cant remember/dont know the formula for lag ...obviously minus time or * by UID doesnt work lol

    really its a sad mess at the moment...any ideas how to do this

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • is this a confirmed fix? im encouintering the black screen launchr problem too. typical my first game was physics based!

  • yeah i think its a case of human error.

    am i correct in thinking, i export from construct as cocoonjs and immediately run it on the launcher? ive bene uploading it to the cloud then trying to run each of the zips it spits out.

    running the launcher debugger told me that there were no fields to play i reckon im doing it way wrong.


  • ok good news on cocoonjs. i will keep trying. my background size is 2200 and actually i had exported a simple single sprite project as a test and it failed too...not at home at the moment but i will try the frame rate debug thing asap..thanks

  • hey im trying to use cocoonjs to export to android..

    keep getting black screen with fps display. tried it on 2 phone with same results

    funny thing is spaceblaster will compile and i get to the start screen on both phones but cant advance to is a Xperia Arc S (LT18i), the other a more advanced LG phone

    i noticed someone else saying that cocoonjs is gathering dust. is this true? if so what is the preferred export to android. Really looking for something straight forward as the cocoon implementation appeared

    if it wasnt for that black screen id be good. also looking at XDK and CLAY.IO which seem kind of similar but not as straight forward

  • Yeah i had understood the part about the array size conceptually, but im having trouble understanding how to implement it..

    Also a problem is how to pull information from the array sequentially.

    Am I correct in hearing that array.curX is more or less like loopindex?

    If that?s the case then there is no need for me to have that incrementing variable - ticker.

    what i?m trying to do is have 2 rows of information : row one with the X position and row 2 with the Y position. The idea that i might be able to record all the sprites positions or the mouse position for example.

    But also looking for something incredibly simple. A lot of times programming examples can get too complex to understand fundamental concepts. I think the manual needs more information on this feature. or more practical examples. the best video i found was this

    incidentally i actually got it working saving and displaying the value of the x position...then i got confused about how to save both X and Y. do you do it in the same loop?

    conceptual problems.

  • hey im newby...trying to store x and y positions of instances in an array then print out the array to a text object

    not quit sure how to go about it. got it working for the x diumension but confused about storing and accessing x and y together..

    looks like there is no loopindex for array loops so i created a variable and am incrementing on each loop which seems to work


    image of events:

    image of layout:

    thank you for your assistance