blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • There's not enough information to help here. Can you post your CAPX?

  • You test navigacja=2 twice

  • No file.

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  • Ah. We need to clarify. I kept dragging them apart and made it so only the selected one would rotate. If you have three on top of each other, then it's trickier to know which one to pick. Are these expected to be stacked? It's going to be hard to pick and edit if so.

  • Select the SpriteSelection in the Layout to see that it has a new instance variable: SelectedUID. In event 2, add SelectedUID = SpriteUID. In 7 and 8 test for SelectedUID = Sprinte.UID. In 12, reset the SelectedUID, when you deselect.

    You can do the same with a Global variable and without the selection, but then it isn't obvious which one is selected, and which needs the cursor over it to do the rotation. Your call.

  • Add an instance variable to the selection sprite (Sprite2), and store the UID of the main Sprite on Click. Then add Sprite2.CurrentUID = Sprite.UID to the wheel up, and then wheel down event. This will limit it in the way you want.

    I've done it here, but give it a try yourself.

  • Don't separate them! Move the SAngle directly under Frame, and Set SAngle under Set Frame, and Sprite.Set angle under Set animation.

    What you are doing is storing the data from the original Sprite. Once stored, then you create a new Sprite. All instructions after the new Sprite affect the new Sprite. As soon as you pop out to a new event line, you are back at the original Sprite.

  • Same trick. Angle is a separate field, like Frame. Make another local variable (Can't call it Angle, so SAngle), store the clicked sprite's Angle. Set the new sprite's Angle = SAngle.

  • Spawn doesn't work, but Create does.

  • You can use Dropbox and just munge the address a bit so the auto-detect doesn't block it.

  • It would be simpler for you to post the file, since you have one already.

  • You only store the value for the time between clicking the button, and setting on the new sprite. This action won't affect performance.

  • Store the original frame number in a local variable, and then after the new sprite is created, set it's frame to the stored value.

  • You'll need other code to call it only when needed, but this is the equivalent.

    Use System:Compare two values

  • When you open a Sprite, there's an Animations panel. The first is Default. Right-click to Add animation, and now you've got a second animation to work with.

    Use Sprite.Set animation to set it to the 'eat' animation at the appropriate time.