BiznessMan's Forum Posts

  • I'm probably not the best person to ask regarding this, but I don't quite think it's possible at this time.

    It looks to me like the primary method of the different platform plugins (Facebook, CocoonJS) are either based on PHP or Javascript (Facebook for example) or is built into the wrapper (CocoonJS)

    The Greenworks plugin you linked is written in C++ which I'm pretty sure isn't compatible with C2. Steam would need to implement an HTML5 wrapper or allow the sending of PHP to their server for certain features.

    Now with that said, it might be possible to implement Greenworks if you were to manually build your Node-Webkit app like seen here, but I don't know how you'd have your game communicate with it for things such as achievements.

    Again, maybe it is possible and I don't know what I'm talking about. Just assuming based on what I've seen so far.

  • Probably not possible yet but I'll try anyway

    1) Is it possible to save tilemap data to either an external file or as an array string that can be loaded in later? I was able to easily create a basic "map editor" but I have no idea if that data could be saved and loaded back in later

    2) Randomly creating a world with tiles? I had something basic where it'd spawn a bunch of random blocks around the map which placed a random item/block type. This seemed to work fairly decently, but I'm trying to think of something more robust. Also, preferably something that could be visited again and again (like Minecraft's seed option). This might be related to question 1 though

  • You can check for walls on the left/right using the platform behavior.


    Wow I totally skipped over that. Its exactly what I am looking for. Thanks so much!

  • Its a good example but it has its limitations for what I'm trying to do. I don't want the background to just be black. The movement works perfectly fine using the platform behavior and simulated controls, but for some reason it wont do anything if I have the same action applied with different variables.

    For instance I tried to do it to where I would touch one of the guys on screen and he'd flip directions based on his direction variable. However, it would not work unless I deleted the other command.

    Example being, if his direction var = 0 and he's touched, turn his variable to 1 (which should flip direction). This works, but it breaks if I do if direction var = 1 and he's touched. Almost like its just toggling on and off really fast. Same goes for the wall bumping that I implemented

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  • Need a little help getting this movement down. Right now I have my characters set to the Platform behavior and in the code it says if their direction is 0 then the simulate moving right.

    The part I need help with is changing direction. I'm not really sure how to make them bump into a wall and go back. I tried to place invisible bumpers in the map that will change their direction variable which then has them simulate pressing left. There is probably a much easier way to do this that I'm over looking

  • I don't think that it's quite possible to do in Construct 2, however if you're looking at Android you can upload different APKs for each device configuration. This means you would have to maintain two versions of your game, but its something to look at

  • Am I to assume that the touch object's accelerate option works on the Wii U gamepad?

  • I appreciate the find but I am afraid that is too advanced for what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something less smooth and more like an old pseudo 3d maze game from the 80s

  • Sounds good to me. I think my method above would be the easiest route but I am not sure if using layouts is goon on the user end compared to making some sort of array to keep track of the player's X and Y coords and displaying the proper sprites.

    I guess if I really wanted to I could just make it Myst style where you click around and move between prerendered backgrounds

  • Man, that brick maze really brings me back.

    But I mean something like

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  • Just brainstorming here since I'm stuck at work without Construct 2 but I'm trying to come up with a system to do a 3d maze. Kind of like an old 1980s first person dungeon crawler where you step forward or can turn 90 degrees.

    Now I think this would be pretty easy if every piece of the maze was in its own layout and you simply set a command to move to the desired layout when moving. This would end up taking up a lot of layouts though and I have no idea if that would slow things down in the end. Any other ideas that could be easy to implement? I suppose some sort of array that changes the maze sprite would work too but might be a little complex.

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  • This kind of helps me, but what if I want the player to be able to drop object between layers?

    I mean this as in, I want the player to only carry one item at a time. If they want to switch it, they need to drop what they have and pick up the other object. I would need this function between layouts

    Lets say Layout 1 is outside and 2 is inside. I would need the player to pick up the object in layout 1, drop it into 2 and have its position saved if the player goes back outside and needs to return to it later

  • Looking to make a game that in theory requires the player to move back and forth between layouts. The game idea would also require the player to drop objects on the ground and come back for them later.

    So my question is, is there a way I can load/save an objects position as the player moves between each layout?

  • Thanks for the reply. I figured that was what I would have to do but I was hoping there was an easier way to do it. Something like RPG maker where you pick which layout to warp to and then select the position on said layout to spawn the character.

    I'll mess around with it and see what I can get out of this. Thanks again