Big Wave Games's Forum Posts

  • Awesome! thanks klabundee

  • Hi all,

    Looking for some maths help.

    I've got a game with a digital speedo (sprite font) that runs from a global variable.

    This variable is updated with the following every tick: playercontrolbox.Car.Speed / 3

    This give a rough real world speed, so if car is travelling at 100px p/s speedo shows 33.333333

    Is there any formula I can use so that the variable only updates with whole numbers?

    Or is there a way to restrict the speedo (sprite font): Set text to Speed so it ignores the .333333?

    Thanks for any help


  • Ah ok nice one thanks for your help!

  • Thanks mrcgkh, I thought maxspeed is the max a car is allowed to go not the actual fastest speed it has reached during a game. So maxspeed set at 100 but during the game the car only reaches 80, I need this value.

  • Hi all, I've searched but can't find an answer.

    How could I save the top speed reached by a car during a game into a global variable so I can show it when the game has finished?

    I've got a global variable that holds an adjusted speed for mph.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks for your help

  • Awesome, thanks again!

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  • Hi Fib Thanks again for this code, I've been experimenting a lot with it, I'm just wondering how I can inverse it? so that the faster the object goes the greater the zoom.

    Thanks for your help


  • Hi all, I'm going around in circles with this!

    I've got a machine gun that should fire 50rounds a second with the following code and Global variable mgun.

    + Keyboard: Space is down

    + System: position = 3

    + System: mgun ≥ 0

    -> huey: Spawn bulletleft on layer 2 (image point "gunsleft")

    -> bulletleft: Set Bullet angle of motion to huey.Angle-180 degrees

    -> bulletleft: Set Bullet Enabled

    ----+ System: Every 1.0 seconds

    -----> System: Subtract 50 from mgun

    ----+ System: Trigger once

    -----> Audio: Play guns.webm looping at volume -5 dB (tag "guns")

    When the mgun Global variable is = to 0 and the spacebar is still down the guns still fire, if the spacebar is released then pressed again it won't fire.

    I've tried setting an every tick check putting the above in a group and when the mgun variable is = to 0 then set group to disabled but still the same, hopefully this makes sense, just can't think how else to get it to work.

    Thanks for any help

  • Wow thanks guys that's awesome!

  • Hi Fib,

    It's a side scrolling flying game, I want it to zoom out the faster the player goes then zoom back when slowing down, allowing the player to see more of the layout the faster they go.


  • Hi all, just searching for how to achieve this, an old c2 post had a link to youtube vid that no longer exists. Just want to adjust camera zoom in/out in relation to speed. I presume you need a global variable with sprite speed and also layout scale but don't know how the lerp code works.

    Thanks for any help


  • Hey Orlic,

    I know exactly what you mean, marketing my game is something I'm really not looking forward to!

    This is what I've learned so far following Indie devs on Youtube/blogs etc:

    It helps to have a Twitter/Fbook/Insta page to share Dev progress/news before actual final release of your game.

    Some people have done well running a Kickstarter campaign giving early access/rewards etc.

    A well produced promo/trailer that instantly catches the eye also helps, plus you should have one already linked from youtube to your Googleplay game page.

    Hope that helps.

    Good luck!

  • Hey Radulepy, I download your game. I like the idea but probably too buggy to be released as a finished game. The player doesn't face direction of travel, bullets bounce off trees, zombies overlap player, not sure what red and blue squares are for. Like the graphics, gun sound and joystick (did you program it?) you should also do a trailer and sort the adverts so they display correctly in landscape. Hope that helps, keep up the good work 😀

  • I've now added an HTML5 game to here:

    Please have a go and see what you think :0)

  • Hi all,

    Finally I've finished the demo of my upcoming game!

    Please check it out on Googleplay if you have a chance

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