BerthusY's Forum Posts

  • Create an object with scrollto on the mouse.x mouse.y. Destroy it when the zooming is done.

  • BluePhaze

    You are 100% right.

    How i asked my question was very bad, i accept it.

    What i truely asked is; 'Ashley looks this like one of your priority for the next updates?'

    And what i am saying is, it's very important for mobile game makers for 100% working games. You can't sell games that are not working on all smartphones.

    Because my game project is really huge and the worst part is this resolution problem. It's giving me headaches what makes me a little bit upset. And sometimes when you start asking something with upset feelings your question can be look like it's rude to others. But i have all my respect to Construct2 developers and i will never be rude against them and i apologize if it looked like i am rude.

    Sorry for my bad english really pushing my english right now i hope everybody understand what i am saying. Have a nice day

  • Ashley should we wait for the next update for stretch mode? Because i have to design 60 levels, and i can't figure out how to deal with different resolutions without stretch option. :(

  • Joannesalfa is 100% right with this problem and the fix.

    Ashley please make this your next update's goal. A fully functional Stretch mode.

    Because : If we make our game in 800x480 resolution and the mobile devices is 900x400. It does not matter if the game quality lowers a little bit because the Stretch. But it does matter if the enemy soldier(bullet behaviour) flies in the air and looks stupid because he has to run on ground. This is a real big problem for me when trying to make level designs for mobile devices.

    Please give an attention for the idea of Joannesalfa Ashley.

    Sorry for my bad english, have a nice day.

  • For online highscore check AJAX on Construct2 and PHP. If you want a offline highscore check Arrays on Construct2. should help you out.

    For in-app purchase; i don't think Construct2 is supporting it, because ludei's cocoonjs is not fully fixed.

  • I did not understand what your question was. Can you write what you want in details please.

  • Can we get please more information about your tweak Joannesalfa? Really exicited about this.

  • This is sooo nice to see. Super life saver for me because i made my game with Samsung Galaxy S2 screen resolution(800x480). Now i got the issue with other resolutions the objects are bigger or wrong placed and does not work like it should in other resolutions like my tablet. The scale in CocoonJS cant fix it. Please share this tweak with us.

    Sorry for my bad english, have a nice day..

  • It's documented that CocoonJS does not support form controls.

    Are they alternatives for the Textbox?

    Like if i make my own keyboard with 25 sprites(Keys) and every touch on a key performs :

    Text -> settext -> Text.Text & A

    Will set text to A

    Text -> settext -> Text.Text & S

    Will set text to As etc.

    This will work but, I dont know how i can delete a letter from the text if they touch backspace. Can you help me with this?

  • The Textbox in Construct2 does not work with CocoonJs tested on Android. Problem is Textbox does not show up. How can i add a textbox thats shows up in CocoonJs. No settings where changed in the Textbox only 1 is Password 1 is Text. Trying to make a login screen : )

    Thanks for reading have a nice day..

  • You could just do an AJAX request to your own website (if you have one) -- and if it fails -- device is offline.

    Thank you very much your idea works perfect.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi,

    How can i dedect internet connection on phones with Construct2? Specially for CocoonJs.

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Thanks for reading have a nice day.

  • Nice work rfisher really excited about your OUYA controller project. Keep us updated.

  • Thank you very much Ashley.

  • Joannesalfa

    Like Ashley i tried and same results on Android CocoonJS launcher.

    I saw the Clay.IO plugin, i think they use something like AJAX to make request and post. I don't want to use a plugin like that because, i don't want my games to connect unknown servers that are not in my control.

    I know enough PHP to code my own site like, but i don't know enough Javascript to develop my own AJAX plugin and the one that Construct2 provides is not working. Ashley can you provide us an Plugin that does basic Post/Request functions please. I realy need it. Maybe in the next update?

    Sorry for my bad english,

    Thanks for reading have a nice day..