BerthusY's Forum Posts

  • Thanks man. Are updates reflected immediately or only after refresh of the layout? A friend of mine beat his high score and updated it, but it did not show immediately he said.

    I am waiting for your facebook share tutorial to finish my game

    Thanks again for sharing.

    You post your name and score with AJAX like savescores.php?name=stctr&score=6000, savescores.php saves it into your Mysql database. When you post savescores.php?name=stctr&score=6000 again it ignores the command, when it's higher then 6000 it updates your Mysql database immediately. But you have to refresh your table with getscores.php after every command. Or else it will not show up.

  • Nice game man. Thanks for the score tutorial. It is very helpful. I do have a question. Is there a way to stop the flooding? For example maybe add code in the php files to only submit score if it is higher then your previous score? Or maybe do the check with an event in C2?

    I attached mine new savescore.php that updates if name exist, i think this is what you want.

  • This shows how powerful Construct2 can be. I like the game play video a lot, but can't play the game because i only got Android, are you going to release it to Play store ?

  • Wohoo! I made it! 16000 score. But when i get to the door the games freaks out. Screen starts to flash like crazy and wants to open up browsers to twitter. But after a restart at least my score is saved. Waiting for more levels now!

    I'm so impressed by you, this game is made to be difficult and impossible to finish. That's why i never completed the finish layout it's full of bugs.

  • Still not working. When i die on about 15XXX score and i get to the menu it says "share your score: 12XXX". What?!? I'm about to finish it? What am i supposed to do then?

    I think you will get to the end soon, tell me when you get there. About the highscore problem, still trying to figure out whats wrong.

    why is it accelerating when i jump?

    I think your browser is not supported or your devices specs. Try chrome or firefox on android.

  • This game is really hard. I can't get more than 4 boxes.. x(

    Never give up. Use double jump on jello's highest point he will jump higher.

    Thank you. I tried that tutotorial a while ago. But i could'nt get it to work. Im gonna try it again. About your game, when i get to 14000score the hiscore wont save and I also want to see a checkpoint when "everything gets smaller"

    Can you try submitting your highscore again please, maybe the servers were down. I can't test it because I'm not at that score, i can only test it if i get to that score You are about to finish it.

  • *v2 is out for web and android(Still in play store process will be available soon).

    Jello Jumper got 2 checkpoints in very hard to play places, now you can get further try it out!

  • Amazing! Sorry for flooding your Scoreboard! Whould you mind telling me how you did that hiscore list? And also how you integrated the share to Facebook? Now i'm gonna try and get past those freaking spike blocks!

    I'm actually very impressed how far you've come. It's a very punishing game. I'm Jello on highscore 5541 you almost beat me.

    For the highscore system i used this one (Thanks to ArcadEd) : ... -php-mysql

    Facebook share system is actually my own trick, it's very easy. I will make a tutorial about it tomorrow.

  • Project closed

  • It would be awesome !

  • That's really bad, i don't want to irritate the players. But i really need to make money to pay my debts, it's hard to be a standalone student. :( :D

    szymek So fullscreen ads does not get clicks and views don't count fair? The best earnings are level bottom ads ?

    ArcadEd Send you a pm :)

  • Rory that will be great example.

    Does it matter how long the ad impression is? My ad placement is only in the start menu. It will be like 5 secs of showing the ad. Will it effect the earnings ?

  • What is your Admob average pay per click and earnings?

    Please post your comments in this topic if you use Admob, do you like it?, how much views(downloads) got your game?, with platform pays the best? and do you know an alternative ? I'am about to use Admob in my new games for fast earnings, are alternative methods faster to make more money ? Do you know some of them ?

    :D Just asked a lot of questions please don't get tired, i really need help about this.

  • I found it, it's very easy to do, shame on me i didn't look in the actions menu before posting :D.

    If you want to load an image/picture from the web to a sprite.

    Just use "Load image from Url" action. It works with CocoonJS(Android) tested by myself.

    Have a good day.

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  • Is it possible to load images from the web to a sprite at runtime, i want to show images of my new games in the future, like ads, my game is for Android(CocoonJS). Iframe is not an option because it does not work with CocoonJS.