Bedsidesam92's Forum Posts

  • oh wait. I probably did not put it in a public folder, but I don't know how either? Is it there by default?

  • Weird stuff, I get other options? Or am I doing something very dumb..

  • So this is a very unfinished game I've been working on.. 11 very short levels, first few just simple tutorial-like levels,

    last 6 starting to show the mechanics a bit..

    Tell me what you think!

  • I tried that,, but it didn't work .. there was only a 'share link' option, no 'copy public link' I think dropbox itself changed that a while ago..

    In any case, if I do click 'share link' and go to said link, it sends me to the actual html-file, to download.

    In the same way anyone would upload a .capx if you know what I mean..

  • So this is probably a very stupid question, but I see some people 'host' their game from ''

    and I would like to know how, so I can do it too!

    Tried alot, but no succes, probably because I'm not that smart ;(

    Can anyone help me? Or tell me a better place to upload my unfinished game(s)?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Woh, nice! 4/5

  • So apparently it had something to do with the collision polygons of the player sprite, changed it now and it seems to work!

    Thanks so much!

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  • But it's weird though, it seems this problem is only there when the player walks to the left, not when it goes to the right..

    might try a few things, but help is always welcome!

  • Ok Thank you,

    This almost works pretty much how I wanted it. One problem though..

    All the tile's are next to each other, which means that once the player starts moving,

    the Player.Tile_UID changes, but the Player is still connecting to the Tile it just started leaving, so it'll trigger it too soon again..

    Could that be helped?

  • So I'm trying to make some sort of puzzle, comparable with the 8th gym leader in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, where you need to crack all the ice floors to proceed to the next stage, if you fail, you fall through the floor and have to start over again.

    The problem is in the second stage of the system. I can make the frame change from 0 to 1, so from a non-cracked floor to a cracked floor (simply by ' When Player is overlapping with floor, change frame to "frame cracked floor".

    But when I try to proceed to do the 'from cracked floor to hole in the ground' stage, I run into a problem, because when I would do the first step over again, so

    "When Player is overlapping with floor, while being on frame "cracked floor", set frame to "hole in the ground""

    It'll just go straight from frame 'floor' to frame 'hole' because it's still on collision with it. So it basically just skips the 'cracked floor'.. Even though that does seems logical to me, I really don't know how to fix it.

    Tried the 'on collision' event, but the outcome is thesame

    Some help would be very appreciated!

  • Thanks! helped alot

  • Thanks guys, will try both and pick which one suits better!

  • Hello,

    I got a question.

    So I'm making a platformer game and I'm stuck at something.

    There's a part in the game where the player has to stand on a platform, and while doing that it triggers the platform to go up (using the bullet behaviour), then you need to manouvre around obstacles and such.

    If you get hit by an obstacle, you die and respawn at the nearest checkpoint.

    Now here's my problem; when the player dies, the platform is still going up, while the player is back at the beginning of the level where the moving platform started (but isn't anymore..), meaning the player can't proceed since the platform isn't there anymore.

    The simple solution would be to just restart the layout, but I was hoping there would be another solution since my checkpoint system doesn't work with restarting the layout..

    can anyone help me? If anything is not clear I can post pics or cap to show what I mean..