Bedsidesam92's Forum Posts

  • So I'm working on a platformer where players fight each other with guns. These guns do not kill the other player but bounce them back an X amount. I've set a max speed for the players, to make sure they don't pass that speed (sounds logical right?).

    The players need to 'bounce' back, whenever a bullet hits them. Now here's the problem: I want that bounce to be able to exceed that 'max speed' stat. How do I do that?

    One solution I thought might work is 'on left press -> set vector X', but then I didnt like the way the character moved, it didnt look 'natural'. But if that is the solution, what should I add to that event to make the character move more natural?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Ben Wilson, Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for!

  • Basically, I want to change from Layout 1 to Layout 2 to Layout 3 etc,

    and I know this is possible with 'Layout (by name)', but for the love of god I can't find out how to exactly.

    I haven't been using Construct 2 for almost 2 years and I know there's a tutorial about it somewhere, but really can't find it after an hour of searching..

    Any help?


  • Codah's hinting to the instance variables, you can find them just above the 'behaviours' tab!

  • Hello,

    I'm working on an autojump game MegaJump style, where you don't jump off platforms but instead pick up coins to give you a jump boost. I've figured out how to get different coins (with different values), but I'm stuck at how to implement power ups. I started off thinking I would just set one frame (or animation) of the coin sprite to be a power up, and then use choose() to make them appear way less than the usual coins.. Is this the best way to do it? Or is there a way better solution for me to regulate the amount of power ups that will show?

    Thanks in advance!

  • omg I was thinking way too difficult, but thank you so much!

  • So I'm making a game, in which it is required to get a ball to a certain location while trying to get there with as little as possible bounces. To do that I presumably need to measure all the times the ball bounces off the wall. (bouncing occurs through the bullet behaviour).

    The problem is that I don't have a clue how I could possibly do that.. any help maybe? If anythings unclear, just ask and I'll try to explain better

  • Okay, the problem now is that every bullet is 'shot' at the same time, while I would like it to be able to be different for all of them. I tried it with an instance valuable but it didn't quite work out.. any ideas?

  • Thanks! Setting the spawn action in front did the job

  • So I could'nt really explain better in the subject title.

    I am working on a platformer, a lá super meat boy. What I wanted to do was create multiple working cannons within one layout. (Like the shooting spinners in super meat boy).

    In the picture is shown how I tried it. It works (kind of), but if I have two cannons in different angles, the bullet isn't doing what I want it to do.

    I know why it doesn't do what I want,, there are mistakes in the events, but I don't know how to do it better and properly..

    If anything is unclear just ask, I really would like to know how to properly do this!

  • Is this still in development? The plugin is awesome but i need an event to disable the wall jump =S

    Yeah I'd love to be able to disable the walljump!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I did install the Dropbox app, but still nothing.. Dropbox changed the way they shared links on October 4th, 2012.. since then no accounts have a public folder anymore <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> -Only pro or business accounts

    So too bad, thanks for the help though

  • Creating a Public folder

    Dropbox links give you everything you need to share and preview files and folders. However, if you’re just a diehard fan of Public folders, click here to enable one on your account. Currently only Pro and Dropbox for Business users can enable Public folders, so you may have to upgrade first.

    this is what it says on the site..

    I didn't have one to start with either (I think.. don't recall deleting it or anything), but maybe you still have it from before they updated dropbox or something.

  • ah, it's for pro or business users only, I now find out

  • You can through cocoonJS. I think you can download the CocoonJS Launcher in the appstore.

    Then, export your game through the option 'CocoonJS' and copy that file to (I think the root of) your phone.

    Open the CocoonJS launcher on your phone, create an account and if everything was done right, your game will be there!