It needs to run on lots of devices WITHOUT cocoon etc. cause they put it on Tizen, Amazon etc.
That´s the big problem you have to solve!
Yeahh the standard Chrome Browser. It's even way faster than cocoon on my mobile.
The Simpsons: Tapped out! ... has grown really big as well.
Not very much gameplay, but heaps of content!
Strange...but my projects run (Android+Sony Z1)
Looks like fear and loathing in 2030
everything that helps keeping people attracted to museums is great!
Do you ever gave a try?
Yeah that's somehow unique stick to it
The way it works in "Tiled" is awsome!
With the external Video Plug-In you may do it yourself.
Big minus is that Cocoon doesn´t support HTML5 Video Tag I guess!
Haha, yeah! If I ever make one of these wonder-games, feel free to come to me with good ideas
PS: 600 post btw... time really flies....while making games
... a game that makes me so much money, that I can spent the rest of my life making the games I want without disturbing things
Just a quick overview of some of the "bad guys" in Hooray Heroes. Nothings final, all WIP!
Comments appreciated!
A capx example would be helpful, too see what´s wrong with your events
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Really interesting concept and good artwork