> Hi everyone. I am looking for assistance with putting video ads in my games. If someone has experience please contact me. Looking to pay whatever is necessary.
> Thanks,
> Asa Bush
> instagram: styledox
Why do you want to add video ads to your game`? That's the most annoying thing for the player... I wouldn't recommend that. Think about fullscreen ads or banner. First this is much easier to add (and possible with CocoonJS) and doesn't annoy your players that much. I also would include a "Remove Ads" perk available to buy via IAP or something like that. This gives the player the opportunity to buy a perk thet remove ads completely.
If you need help with something like that I can help you.
maybe he wants to add the videoads as a service to continue playng when player dies and you dont want to start over again?! why all of you are so rushing in to give , advices! before you even know at what he needs them! yes videoads are best paid ! but also most annoyng thing in games if you dont put them corectly!
so there il agree with you!:P