BasicTribe's Forum Posts

  • Hello. On my facebookpofile you can check out my game "DataControl" (video/screens)

    Its at the moment under work after a longer break! ... 069639303/

    Graphics made with Blender, GIMP, Paint <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Please give feedback!

  • Hello,

    I have a question: Can I push my second steam-Account with my first account? For example: 1# Can i buy games with the second Account as gift to my first account and become Level-UpPoints for my secound account? 2# Can I my Tradingcards from the first account send to the second and trade it from the second for levelUpPoints? 3# Any Ideas to push the account with no money and no time ?

  • Thank you for your help. You ended a journy with 3 (bad) long nights for me. Very helpful! I will check this out this night (have make a testrun of the capx that you uploaded and its precisely the thing what i want (very happy)!!!!! Again: Thankyou!!!!!!!

  • Hmm, Ok..... it makes me crazy..... sit now 3 days on the computer and find no solution <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> The problem can you see in the capx file....

    I will make an outrun-stylish game, but i have problems with the objects on the roadside <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    The File:

    Need help, please! Will synchrosize the Roadlines with objects on side (signs, trees, houses etc.....)

    All: Its not much, but i think whern someone will make an oldschoolracer, here are the first basics <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Thx for help

  • Hmm, when i read the threads about intel xdk, cordova, cocoon, visual studio..... i feel giddy!

    Can everyone tell me, how can a newbie about this letter-jungle take the right way? Its not harder as an 1000 pages big programming book. I mean, when it give problems with software (bugs or technical) its ok for me to wait some weeks and with core problems longer time. But we speaking here about 5 1/2 years!!!!! When i look at the timeline with lot of promises for a better situation coming soon. Again and again and again and again.......

    Here are one question of 100s that i have and making me scared: Scirra tells: In C3 there are the old capx files (c2) are compatible. Is then the S*it with the exporting the same?.....

    Again: The Basics from c2 are wonderful and Ashley have make a great job. I like the workflow! But Sry, it brings nothing with the bad end!

  • gamecorpstudio: Thats a long time to now. I use the latest stable-build. I wanted illustrate the long time from "Hello World" to now. I am sure, with better conditions at the end (exporting) we (c2-users) have a lot more c2 games on playstore, steam and co. Here are some of user they have telling in other threads that they have 2 or 3 games in the pipeline.

  • OK, I have a question after few months and many discussions about the performance-problems on Desktop/Android etc.: OK, when a native exporter/wrapper is not the solution to this problem (some people here have write it in the forum and it sounds logical for me thats a native exp. not the right way at the moment), but: "WHAT IS THE SOLUTION, ASHLEY???? Fact is: Its actually 329 €uro for broken software....." Is there a plan or a idea that you have or we are going ~ next year ~ in round "3" for nothing?????? The Version "Construct 2 r45" is from the 26. june 2011!!!!!!!

    "Clickzone" in the end 90s is a better visual Scripting language as construct because its sooo heavy buggy at that time that I have give up the projects after 3 hours. The problem with c2 is that i spend 100s of hours in a project and the bad things come with your software at the end.

    PS: Is it right that there are no details on the scirra-page about this problems (Costumer-Deception)

  • I have stop my last project before i have finished. My idea was to make an oldschoolpinballgame because the touch-control and the resolution in landscape-mode (up and down-scrolling) are perfect for this kind of game (like pinball fantasy or pinball dreams).

    Have learned blender with over 80 hours of learn videos.

    for the music-making lot of hours spend.....

    have make an interview on youtube on a channel for artists.....

    and then came the performance-problems with smartphones. I have check it on many Phones by friends. on 95% there are big problems (perform, music not start or to late, framedrops, game not start, !!!!smartphones go hot!!!!, batteries in 20 minutes down.

    And everytime the upload-waiting-time because you must upload to wrap/compile the game (hard time!). I am now 33 and play at the end 80s early 90s (began with c64 from my uncle. But now in the year 2015 it was the first time in all this years with a dark shadow on my hobby. it called C2! This software has destroyed completly my plans!

    ----bit offtopic----

    I think visual scipting is the future (node-editors are a wonderful!!!! [blender or Unreal-Engine), but when Ashley leave his fanbase alone with no resolutions...... sry! No c3! He makes a lot of money with c2 and will tell us there is no way to remove this problems in all this months????? Construct and all the Fuc***g standarts are with new windowsversions, new browserstandarts, Smartphone-updates...... its to big for one person! My biggest wish for the future is that he give the export-section to another people (more worker ---> more confidence!!!! Another point: more transparence ---> When i make make bad things in Blender or Unreal engine and scratch on the limits this programs warns me (The advert video from scirra lie to me [easy making for smartphonegames"]

    Oh, and that the Scirra-community-zombies ---> "its your mistake, you have it bad perform blabla" shut up! I think here are now enough examples that ashley have c2 in the actually stat drive in a tree

    Ashley: Sry for the words again and again! Don´t understand me: You have make a wonderful 2d tool for making games. The workflow is ultrapowerwonderful!! But on the important function, the export of games has scirra complete refused. Its an complete desaster and you write it nowhere offical on the homepage. No, you let (mostly young) people on the belive its absolute easy to make games and than they spend here money (or parents spend the moey) and many many many many many many time to make the dreams true and then come the bad end!

    Actually: When i read, that a game (pc/smartphone) is make with c2.....: I will it not buy it because all this problems. My first notion: Its make with c2.... it cant good run! There are many examples that i will not write here but there are 2 games on steam they i have not buy: Why? ---> i have read in a forum-thread here thats are games make with c2.

    The Problem is, that in this long time many people have listen to this problems and say c2 is not more as an toy!

    Hurry Up, Ashley!

  • Good luck for you with your future projects.

    Also, I want to ask a question for those who used UE4 and Unity + Playmaker: Which one is more easy to get into and use: blueprints or Playmaker?

    Blueprints (UE4) are very great stuff! I will not say its easy to handle it, but blueprints are easyer then coding in my opinion and there are many great tutorials on youtube. The problem is: When a complex programm is very intuitive its often a harder start to understand the logic and the learncurve at the beginning is a bit hard for the most people and then they give up!

    The next is that you can't with the engines alone make all and must learned other complex programms too. I have learned using blender for 3d-Models, make Trees, animations with (face)rigging.... etc. It cost 0$! The beginning-Tutorials (buyed learn-dvd) have cost 16 hours + training for the ground-functions (from movment in 3d space to complex making animations) Everytime there are coming 1000s of stoppings in the workflow in a project with things that i have not plan (hair, roads, rain, fire, water). Its a long way with 100(0)s of hours to manage this. But i promise you: When you go this long way the feeling on work with the new 3d engines get better and better in the learning-time.

    But yeah, i think its the future! Before i started with this ihave learned with c2 many visual scirpting logic and planed making 2 or 3 games in 2d before i started with 3d-engines, but the bad ends comes with the exportfunctions from c2 after i have make graphics, music, design-scirpts.... now i will finished my last project with c2 and when the export-problem is not managed i will used in the future only UE4!

    The next is outsourcing: When you make a bigger 3d world you need a big groundbase of textures, sound (wind, rain, birds etc.) it cost many time to collect it in the net or you must spend money for dvd-packs. alone for searching and testing for "human-modelling" programs i have spend many weeks with different programs to found the best for me..... yeah long way but i think every people that are big motivated to make games & with normal IQ can handle it with the new generation of engines!

  • > when i make a simple Capx with 15 small objects on layer and the framerate is going down


    It sounds like it's simple enough to reproduce easily ; please submit a sample .capx for the interested parties to investigate ! I too would like to know how it's possible to bring the framerate down with only a handful of objects (unless they're all supermassive blended textures on a very old device, which would kill the fillrate and pixel units anyway, regardless of the technology)

    And what brings? Nothing! I have upload my complete capx (pinball-game) for weeks here. many other examples/videos i have watched here in this forum the last months. And when you tell you angryness comes everytime the same s**t: "load it up please" "its your mistake". Funny community...... very funny Why you make it not self? 10 stapled objects (with physics) and a ball crashed inside! Its with IntelXDK 15 minutes of work! Now we going in the year 2016 an we talking about a 2d engine that can it not run smoothie and thats with a payment over 300 €uro. its a shame!

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  • Ashley: ARRRRGGHH!!!!! I Think you life sometimes in your own fantasyworld!!!!! BoyHK say it right: Construct is now from 2011 round 5 years old. In the advert-video it suggerest me and all the other users its absolute easy to make mobile-games! but the problem is: they running bad! In the last 12 months there was a minimum better now. But sorry, we cant wait a lot of years when you clear this problem!

    We have spend a lot of money to you and your company and you will tell us in all this long time there you can not delete this problem?????? Its equal for me how you change it. When the solution is an another as an native exporter its ok for me! But make what..... what ever that the games are running! At the first time i have worked with c1/c2 it was a wonderful time..... then cames the problems with the mobile......

    • Post link icon


    First: Word, Cubase, FLStudio, Photoshop, UnrealEngine, Traktor..... do you think when you take this "creative"programs (change to make money with them) on a non-official way (crack or glitch), they have no change to locate you (Watermark/same Key/credits etc.) Whats your reason to post this? A yt-crack video is easy to found for everyone with the right searchwords. Thats make you not to a hero here!

    Second: Thx for Ubisoftclient, Steamclient, AlwaysOn, DRM, SerialKeys, limited installation numbers.... etc. People like you help for this annoying Copyprotection!!!!!!!!

    My Tipp: Ask for more pocket money.

    To the others: Have checked one yt-video for fun: ---> crack has a virus!

  • part12studios

    yes they smaller and its a pro when you have short games. But i use a lot of m4a dats for the music in my game. I think when i finish with my project it have over 100 mb of soundfiles. and round 30 or 40 mb more or less after a compile.... its equal for me

  • Weeks ago XDK & C.IO are not runnig good. After new updates i switched back and forth with the 2 programs. Actually i use XDK (the performance was in the last dual-tests (compare the two programms) a bit more worse. But its ok for me actually. After this i have stop the testing with cocoon (not a bad compiler) but there is a limit with the size of your apk. When its bigger, it cost (but yeah, comprehensible ). and before i have stop to compile with cocoon there was some steps to edit manual dats (more work) amd the waiting-time (cloud) upload/download is a bit longer (when you often compile your html5 project....). I dont know its better now???? but i am sure, that the performance is now good in XDK and Cocoon! Oh, and the support from cocoon is very great (when you have questions/problems). Many people say that when you have a game that is scratching on the limit of your smartphone is cocoon the better way. My Tipp: Test the two programms and compare it. It cost 60 min! (in the tutorial-section you can found a way that you can see the fps in your game. cocoon vs. XDK = tie (only my opinion) But iam interesting what says the other users!

  • Vaank Thanks for the answer and the infos. I will change it in the new version