Bartosh's Forum Posts

  • I think kinda what your thinking along the lines of center then absolute displacement could work.

    I'm going to try making the sprite 2 or 3 times its size, then relatively displace the sprite to half its size, since displace doesn't actually change the size or position of an objects bounding box this should work.

    In terms of were there actually placed, they would be overlapping each-other significantly.

    but all my terrain collision will be based off of an array, so It shouldn't matter.

    I'll let you know what happens.

  • well.. its not actually "3D". I'm not using the z 3d distortion of the sprite, so the view distance does nothing, I'm just distorting the .y of a point

    Is there a way to increase the screen size of drawing objects, but not the actual resolution.

    In construct it self, or even in python?

    OR can I edit the bounding box of a sprite, but not there actual height/width?

  • Is there a way to increase the draw distance of sprites?

    I've been working on a 3d terrain mesh. It's pretty spiffy, but distorted sprites stop getting drawn as soon as there actual location go's off screen.

  • not getting the same problem , did you change the resolution of the cap?

  • ah for construct 2, your in the wrong forum.

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  • My A* path finding system using arrays:

    A Star Wizzard

    Extremely quick and supporting terrain movement costs.

    Pay attention to witch array is in the condition and event.

    I use a separate array:?ls? to search the main array.

    For a better understanding of what?s going on:

    big thanks to R0J0hound for the pathlist generation in his a*system.

    the movement is purely orthogonal, but that was intentional, for a turn based strategy system, however, it would be easy. if not easier. to switch to checking diagonally also.


    Why Custom Path finding?


    The Rts behavior is great. Its one of the big reasons I started using construct. However its limitations are rather large, and doing a custom path finding system allows for all kinds of good stuff.

    Such as:

            Roads/swamps. The Ai preferring to travel on one terrain, while trying to avoid another

         Generating small localized paths. So you don?t have to check the whole world to go 5 feet.

         Abstract path finding. Think the maps off of Escape velocity, or a platform based rts.

         Being able to find just the next wave point in a path.

         Avoiding other objects paths, so no clusters unless necessary.


    Why arrays?

    Using arrays allow for data to be stored and called without the need

    For objects ? at all.

    this is great for:

    1.     Large maps

    Construct has issues with storing large amounts of sprites.

         No mater what, even if its not being called. if an object exist it gets check


            On a small scale, this isn?t a problem. But lets say you have a map of 250x250( a large map in age of empires) that?s 62500 objects getting checked to see if they do anything. That adds up and causes massive dips in frame rate.

    The only viable way of supporting large maps is to dynamically generate the terrain based on if the player sees it. However the rts movement with construct need objects to exist in order to avoid them. Using an array to move, this is not an issue.

    2.     Independent of the program

    All types of possibilities come about by having things moving and interacting in nonexistent planes. Including the possibility of 3d terrain (think dwarf fortrice). Or inside buildings (Zelda LTTP style). Or path in other places away from the current layout ( Like x3)

    3.     Easy porting to any kind of node system

    Traditional, Isometric, octagon, ext.

    Just change what nodes in the array are checked and how they correlate to other objects

    4.     Fits perfectly witch custom tile maps

    Chances are if your doing tile maps, your probably doing them with an array already. Instead of trying to ham fist in the rts behavior, have the game find its path using your map array.

    5.     Rts commander Ai.

    Advanced ai can be made by assigning weight to the terrain based on if units get killed on that terrain. Simply put, if everybody went that way and died?maybe we should go elsewhere.

    6.     Map generator roads

    Roads can be built based on the terrain, as opposed to just blasting thru everything.

    7.        Easy to save

    Just an event.

    Save array? done.


    I haven?t spent much time with the latest a* path finding systems using objects others have made. (they came out while I was working on this) but I?m fairly certain using arrays will be faster, just by virtue of how construct handles sprite objects.but I could be totally wrong:)

    As far as using this for your own projects, just copy and paste away. But if you come up with something awesome using this as a starting point, share it with the community. Were all in this together.


    My next project is a doosey , so im breaking down each complex component before stitching them all together. As I do I?ll release each as a tutorial.

    On my to do list of A* tutorials:

    layout independent path finding( wizard position and variables stored in array also)

    Multi unit path finding

    3d path finding

    Escape velocity style map path finding

  • I couldn't reproduce your bug, it worked fine for me.

    would you mind posting a cap?

  • layer inheritance as an option on the layer you want as your inventory, and set its source to the corresponding layout.

  • Nice to see there's a way to work around this.

  • so its safe to assume its probably not a graphics card specific error.

    tulamide your right. It does still have the same offset effect regardless of layer effects, but it seems odd that if there is an effect, the offset worsens for that layer.

    I was playing around with my duel monitors with this ( one is 1360 x 768 the other 1680 x 1050)

    when just dragging the application window from one screen to the other (at a size of 1680 x 1000) there was no issue, regardless of witch was the primary display.

    But when i set it to show just the smaller window, then ran at the exact same resolution as before, the offset problem happened.


    when you use the window/sysinfo object to change the resolution it makes it smaller than max client resolution

    such as : my display high is 1050, and that is what the system info says, but when it changes my window size, it sets it to 1012 witch I take it is the safest resolution to run at before the offset happens.


    I'm starting to think maybe this isn't a bug with construct, just something that happens if applications are to large. So a deeper "bug" having to do with constructs "hardware-accelerated DirectX 9 rendering"

    If that's the case, people should Definitely be aware of it before releasing their game so they can make sure to mitigate it.

  • You'll have to make the menu on its own layout, then use layer inheritance( that or the layout object, but the layer inheritance seems to work better.) to get it into the main game screen.

    you'll probably need to compile each group into some sort of data file, array, hash table, .INI file.. whatever you feel comfortable working with.

    then in the menu layer have the info printed out using the list box object, if you want the quick, easy, and ugly option.

    or make your own list using sprites, loops, and functions. if you want it to look pretty


    making menus in construct is probably one of the more difficult things to do. there's no real quick fix that I know of.

    If any of this seems too confusing, just look around the forums for examples,or just ask, and me and who ever else will help elaborate a bit more.

  • Some example photos at 75% Zoom:

    <img src="" border="0" />

                              At 640 x 480

    <img src="" border="0" />

                              At 1680 x 1100

  • If I have a layer with a layer-effect, or and object with an effect, it causes a weird offset problem

    I had a post on this already :

    But I just now found out that this only happens for me when my applications "Window height" is over 1000,

    even then its not really noticeable until it gets over 1038.

    after that it just gets exponentially worse.

    if I go to 1500 its just insanely off.

    My default window size is 1680 x 1050, I was always setting the resolution of my application to such, so that's why I was having that issue.


    However in my post, with my cap having a resalution of 1680 x 1050

    clodius666 reported having the same problem with his current desktop res. at 1440 x 900

    tulamide had a Desktop res. 1920x1080 (32bit) and didn't have the problem.

    so I'm willing to bet that this bug is dependent on the users current desktop resolution.

    however the only people reporting it also had ATI Radeon cards.


    I was wondering if some people wouldn't mind helping me see if my hypotheses is correct on this before I post it on the bug tracker.

    you can set it up yourself.

    or get this .cap:


    And set the application resolution to your screen size, or past it. before running it.

  • awesome game, well built. if you want, I can help you with some graphics, It's kinda what i do.

    If so let me know and I'll pm you some examples of my stuff later.

  • Finally...

    Its beyond me why we, the consumer, have to make these games happen. are publishers so incompetent they can't see the value in making games that people are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars ,out of there own pockets, just to see get made.

    I'm all for Kickstarter, but it just proves how #$*'ed up the video game industry is.