Bad Wolf's Forum Posts

  • Hello Rexrainbow,

    Thank you very much for your suggestions. I took a look at the demo and the documentation.

    To be honest, I do not know if it will work for me. Despite the fact the GO board consists of cells, the intersections are used, included those on the borders. There my thinking was flawed and incorrect.

    In GO the player does not use the cells but the intersections where lines meet each other, including those on the borders.

    With the GO game, a player click and intersection and the pawn is placed on the intersection, not inside the square. Once placed, those pawns can no longer move, only be "removed".

    Maybe I should make base sprites which contain a drawing of 4-side, 3 side and 2 side intersections. So every intersection is a sprite (in this case I will have 391 different sprites containing the drawing of the intersection they represent). Instead of drawing the cells, I draw the intersections half the width and half the height of each cell.

    Or maybe I can translate the screen position of each intersection to a column-row in the array. For example when clicking on the screen with the mouse, the screen mouse position is translated to the nearest intersection.

    I will try your plugin from the moment I can translate the board to the array succesfully.

    Thank you again very much for your help, which I do appreciate very much.

    Friendly greetings,


  • Hello everybody,

    Can you help me with the following problem I have please?

    I like to make a GO board game for two persons. The computer does not have to play, it only has to check if all moves are legal, the winning conditions and calculate the winner.

    I like to play this during the break which is only 30 minutes. A computer board with no fysical objects should spare us time. What we want is just start the game, load an unfinished game or start a new one.

    The board is the official 19 x 19 grid.

    The board is just a sprite placed on the background (thank you very much Kyatric, you saved my health here with your excellent Small tactics tutorial). So when I now say 'run' I see the square board with those 19x19 cells. But Construct two has no idea about the intersections on the board itself.

    So I need an array to translate the moves, the pieces so Construct2 can process the information. I am thinking on using a class for each intersection storing the X/Y coordinates together the field information (occupied or not and by who).

    So the class could look like this :

    intColumn_X as Integer
    intRow_Y as integer
    intFieldState as integer[/code:hhs2hb2q]
    So I could have a board array like this :
    clssBoard(391) as clsBoard
    Do not be bothered about the code, I only try to explain what I am willing to do. I have the feeling my expression is flawed.
    So it is one long array (391 elements) of which each element in this array contains the column - row - fieldstate information.
    The question I have is, how to organise this array so Construct2 can determine which fields are bordering each other and how based on that calculate the moves and if they are legal? In fact, how to translate the board (images) coordinates and states to the array?
    Thank you very much for your efforts to help me, which are very much appreciated.
    Friendly greetings,
  • I checked out the book at

    The problem for me, is the price. 28.50 British pounds, seems a rather too high price for a book containing 237 pages. There are also no reviews for this book, which can be a decision problem. I am sure, based on the look inside option, that the author spend a lot of time creating this masterpiece. For me the price is not so important, the content is.

    I used the "Look inside" option and found out that the book is clearly written, with a lot of visuals which makes the topics easy to understand. The amount of pages contained in the "Look inside" option is very fair.

    If you can afford the high price, this book is surely a very good buy. Tutorials are a great way to learn but mostly they lack indepth information, which is not the intention of a tutorial. I am sure this book is a very good in combination with using tutorials. Surely, this book will not let you down.

    I did not know any books existed about Construct 2, so I am considering buying the paper version of this book.

    My end conclusion : a worthwhile 28.50 pounds for a very informative book clearly written.

    Edit : after I submitted this post I was checking and found out that this book receives three "four" stars and one "five" star reviews. I read those reviews and they confirm my opinion above, this is an excellent work!!!

  • Mostly like other development tools, when your application runs out of RAM memory.

  • Hi all,

    I want to thank Ankur Prasad and Allen Wu for the excellent "Level 0" tutorial they created. Also a big "thank you" for providing this tutorial for free here on the Construct 2 website.

    I am a complete beginner with Construct 2 and find this tutorial very clearly written. I almost finished the first game in this tutorial (I am now at the part where I have to add the "lives" feature.

    I got everything worked as expected. Also downloadding the necerssary assets, was a piece of cake. The structure of the tutorial is a step-by-step way with enough explanations to understand the material. Some things are left to the reader, but in those cases the information was read before.

    The first example is a very simple but yet complex enough game, to learn the very basics. It also leave more than enough left for the creativity of the reader. Creativity and inspiration are surely stimulated because while reading, the feeling of "wanting more" or "seeing more" doesn't leave you. It is like reading a book with high suspension level, you want to read the next section while still on the present page.

    For me, this is already a "five" star tutorial. I still have to read all the next chapters and create the other games. Anyway, I am glad that I choosed "Construct 2" as my game development tool, for creating educational games for our daughter of 7. It is an excellent tool for creating 2D games and this "Level 0" tutorial will help you getting the basics out of it, on which you certainly will lay out the foundations for your own games.

    Thanks again Ankur Prasad, Allen Wu and Scirra for your excellent work.

    Friendly greetings,


  • Antares3000,

    Your idea of writing new tutorials sounds great to me. Also making courses for C2 will even be more interesting.

    However, also Kiatric has many good points, which you should consider.

    Why dividing forces when you can act as one? Together with a colleague at work, we are designing our first adventure game with C2. When we are looking for information, or have problems, or need a tutorial, we look here at the Scirra website. It is just not practical when in a hurry, looking at several websites.

    Publish your tutorials here and link in each one to your website, where you provide (paid) courses. I think that is a very good compromise.

    Anyway +1 fan for your courses. I like your idea very much, maybe you can convince Scirra to give you a platform here? Did you thought on that?

    Construct 2 is an excellent tool for creating games, which should receive more attention than it receives now. But I am sure that C2 is gaining more and more momentum.

    I look forward to the release of your project very much. Thank you for your efforts to share information with us.

  • When you see the price tag on Unity you know why it has more features, bells and whistles.

    And while Construct 3 will not have the same features as Unity, Unity will be much harder to learn.

    As a programmer which creates mostly administrational software, I was (and still am) very surprised about Construct 2 ways of doing things. I just tried out the trial version to see if it would run on this old laptop. When I found out it does, I just bought a personal C2 license and start developing educational games to help our 6 year old daughter with her homework and school.

    Construct2 is a very good game engine for 2D for which it is intended. Scirra is a small company and as such, they already created a very good game engine. They already expanded their team, so in the coming years we will receive improvements and features we now only can dream of.

    A very satisfied and happy Scirra game creator.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thank you very much for the link to the maze algorithm website which gives me very good ideas where to go.

    I planning my labyrinth as a kind of citadel, where the player has to find his way, has to solve puzzles and riddles. I like to have the citadel itself a groundfloor level, where the main activities are. Then there will be a cellar under the groundfloor with the same kind of activities. But under the cellar there will be a secret "dungeon" where some key objects has to be found to complete tasks on the upper levels above. At some places there will be upper levels with different challenges.

    I was thinking on a vast labyrinth, but now I saw that page I am open for the idea to change some dungeons (labyrinth) every x minutes. Like creating an enchanted labyrinth. So if the player is fast enough he pass, when not the labyrinth changes and he has to start over from the present location in the former labyrinth.

    This game will be a mix between a platformer and a maze.

    I am now gonna work out all the different rooms, their connections with adjacent rooms, the objects, hidden places. See it like a floor plan. When I have the floorplan I am gonna draw all the different rooms, objects and characters. After that I will bring them alive in the game.

    What I am also thinking of is a kind of "ghost" character which chases the player through all the places of the citadel. It will not be smart or intelligent, it just travels from room to room to seek the player. It has no idea where the player is, only when it comes to any room adjacent to the players present room, then it gots an idea and move towards the player. The player only can outrun it or hide from it. This ghost cannot be destroyed. When there is at least one room between the ghost and the player, the ghost no longer have any idea where the player is and has to search again.

    The player has 3 energy bottles which is used to shoot spells on enemies or when hit by enemy fire, some energy is lost. The bottles can be filled by energy fountains, energy objects hidden throughout the game.

    Enemies will reappear once the player is out the room. That means when they come back, they have to fight the same enemy again but maybe with a different strategy.

    This is what I came up already. I am sure when I actually designing the game, I will design other pitfalls and traps. I really like this planning and designing. It is an exciting waste of time.

    Thank you again for your help which is very much appreciated.

    Wish you a very nice day.


  • Hello everyone,

    I am planning a maze game, where the player has to find his/her way through a maze. The maze will be a square or rectangular erea. When a level is finished, the player gets another maze to solve. There are obstacles, objects to find, secret places. However, my problems are not with the this but with the planning of the maze.

    How do I plan a maze before even coding a single line of coding?

    Also do I have to setup an array which stores the board postions, obstacles and so on? .

    I want to keep track of the user moving through the maze.

    For planning the maze, the paper size is not big enough to accomodate the whole maze. So I was thinking in putting 9 mazes (in a square or rectangle) onto one paper. Entries to bordering mazes will be number like S01, N02 which means South entrance 1 or North entrance 2.

    Any suggestions? I am new to Construct 2, followed some Udemy courses and tutorials and like to start to plan my own game. I always liked Mazes with some adventure, so that is my natural choice.

    Thank you all very much for your time spend on my request

    Wish you a very nice day.


  • Before even thinking to start actually your own company, you need a business plan. A business plan is short, to the point and describe the following :

    1. A description of your newly business

    2. Your goals, both financially and professionally

    3. What exactly are you gonna do

    4. Your finances (start capital, estimated costs, estimated revenue...)

    5. The tools you already have (like Construct 2)

    6. The tools you already need (you still do not own them)

    7. Other costs like buildings...

    8. Your ideas and how to make them to the real world

    These points are only examples. But you need before the start to know where you are going. What are you gonna do, what type of games are you gonna make, is there a market for your games? A lot of questions need an answer.

    I advise you to first create a few games without starting your own business. If your games are succesfull, then you can think of starting a company.

    Keep in mind that a company not only will mean creating games and do what you like to do. A company also has a financial and a legal side. You have a lot of obligations and rules which will maybe less pleasant for you.

    Also every succesfull entrepreneur has a clear vision, a strong believing and a talent to overcome all kind of problems on his way. To be a succesfull entrepreneur you need a lot of determination, fate and a sense for adventure.

    Hope this helps.


    not so bad,

    once you know him

  • Keep up the good work Danwood!!! I am sure we did not see the last of your nice work.

    As a complete beginner on game creation, I wish I was half talented as you are. Learning a new skill always takes a lot of efforts, learning, falling and rise up again. But I like it also very much.

    Like in StarTrek The Next Generation : to boldly go where no one is gone before.

  • Hello Rable,

    I cannot help you with your problem because I am a beginner in game development.

    You seem to make very nice and beautiful games indeed. Since I visit this forum, I am surprised about the quality of games made with Construct 2 and created by community members here. Great work!

  • Hi Cryptwalker,

    Why did you use my photo?

  • Hello DanWood,

    I really do not see your problem. Most comments are very positive and praise your work. Are you gonna let one person spoil your fun?

    I am developing in Xojo which is a very nice environment. I like to develop educational games for my six years old daughter. I choosed Construct 2 in favour of Xojo because it is much easier, a lot less work and very much fun.

    The tool used does not matter as long as your game is nice and interesting to play and is of excellent quality. Your game surely qualifies.

    Constructive critism is always positive, if it is positive or negative. You learn, adapt and improve your product. At least you are spending your time creatively and contribute to a community in a positive way, which cannot be said about OverRatedProgrammer. There are always people who need to moan.

    I am new to this community. I find it a very friendly, helpfull community just like the Xojo one. This is a constructive place full of wonderfull ideas floating around. I learned a lot already from the people here. I wish I could make games like you already.

  • Hello LittleStain,

    Thank you very much for your reply and your example project. I appreciate your help very much.

    Because of your example I can explain my problem better. Your example works fine and does indeed what I expect it to do, as long as you keep your mousepointer in the white and black erea.

    However when your mousepointer comes over the taskbar or over the toolbar on top, movement of the orange square stops. That is exactly what I do not want it to do. At least the orange square should move left or right following the horizontal movement of the mousepointer.

    Imagine having a runtime (.exe) where the orange square's movement is restricted to horizontal only (left/right) even when you move your mousepointer up or down, the square should always be on the same line horizontally.

    The fence should act like a window, where the mousepointer cannnot get out.

    I am coming from a programming background and maybe I am thinking wrongly or in the wrong direction. I have the impression that my kind of thinking is flawed. If that is so, please feel free to tell me.

    Thank you again for your help, your example was very helpfull.

    Friendly greetings,
