Azpimar's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Hello!

    I'm available and interested, please send me a mail at azpiroz.sol(at) with the info.



  • Hello,

    My name is Sol, I'm a 2D artist with 5 years of experience.

    My main branches are illustration and 2D animation.

    I focus on character design and concept art, my areas in animation are paperless and cut out animation.

    I have a cartoony and kid-friendly style but also a strong sense of perspective, anatomy and structure. As an animator my job requires a flexible art style to couple with the client's vision. My commitment with my work is to provide the best quality/time ratio.

    For the last year I've been working on a indie boargame "Taco Ninja Adventure!" and I'm eager to develop more game art.

    To help you get a better sense of my work, I send a link with my porfolio and reel. Thanks for your time!

    My porfolio:

    My reel:

    My works

  • Hi lolva,

    If you're still looking for an artist I would like to help you with your company.

    I'm not a graphic designer but I have great experience working with Illustrator and After Effects.

    I leave my mail and web site below,


    Thanks for your time!


  • Hello Matthew,

    Your project sounds interesting!

    If you're still looking for an artist I would like to help you with your game.

    I leave my mail and web site below,


    Thanks for your time!


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  • Yes I'm interested

    Is it paid work or rev share?

    You can send me the info here:


  • Hi 7Winter,

    If you're still looking for an artist I'm interested on the project.

    Here's my porfolio:


  • 6 posts