Hi all! My name is Matthew Culley, founder of Akeld Comics. I don't expect you to know the name yet, as we haven't actually released any comic books yet, but our first book will be coming out next month. Our first two projects, called Neuron and Wake Walkers respectively, are superhero comics. The first is about a young Air Force pilot who develops superpowers after an emergency brain surgery. The second is about a superhero team of cryptids, led by Mothman. I would like to take these characters and a few others from some of our other franchises and create a 2d fighting game in the same vein as Marvel VS Capcom or X Men vs Street Fighter. We have a programmer already, but are in need of a Project Lead who has experience with previous projects to help manage the team, a pixel artist with experience in replicating the styles of mid to late 90s 2d fighting games such as King of Fighters or the games mentioned above, a sound designer/music composer who is experienced with chiptune, and a concept artist.
The initial budget for the project is 6000 USD. We are planning a Kickstarter to ask for an additional 6K once we get the game to approximately 60% completion. We will be working on a very tight schedule, with only about 15 months to get the game completed and ready for release.
Please feel free to send me a PM if you need more information.