Ayui's Forum Posts

  • I have a game which is capx. Now I need to modify it. I need c2 license. How do i do this? I need this for kaios project. Can anyone please help?

  • Is there any way to convert english language to russian language in construct 3? Like russian language letters are different therefore not in character set.

    I have tried writing "диапазон" and altered character set to "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,;:?!-_~#"'&()[]|`\\/@°+=*$£€<>АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя" in spritefont.

    Not working. Can someone help ?

  • hi, I made this file using youtube video.https://www.dropbox.com/s/dr7n6to7cvoum88/LocalStorageArrays.c3p?dl=0.

    It is working as it should but i am not able to unerstand it.

    I am not able to understand the 2 values in one array of CurLocation and Location.Nember. Doesn't array has a heading of one?

    As per my understanding Location.Nember has same value as of animationframe number. But location.Nember never changed its own value . Then how is layout working properly ?

    This is from construct basic tutorials.

    This has 1 value of animals . But in the given file, one array has 2 values at x only . CurLocation and Location.Nember.

    Can someone help?

  • I will try to use animation . Frames changes every key if initial frame is changed in any one of the duplicated sprite .

    But if i try to create lava or water and they need to change their animation on collision to display themselves as rock . It can't be achieved with 'set animation'. Few sprites change and others retain the color red or blue .

    This c3p file shows the error on preview layout.


    Also, on collision of rock the player should not die but he dies from red color. This can't be achieved with changing animation frames.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • It worked. But pin behaviour is not compatible with physics. So if i actually create a basic key with circle and rectangle where circle size should remain same for every key and rectangle width varies , pin is not compatible . Resizing of sprite resizes the whole sprite including rectangle and circle.

    This is the project file with the problem showing circle and rectangle resizes in whole when sprite is resized.


    Can you suggest what is best in such a case?

  • dropbox.com/s/se9h6uw2vrjlajh/test1rescue.c3p

    This is the project file with the problem. Leave the layout for few seconds during preview layout and candies leave their physics property.

    If physics is not compatible with bullet, what best should be done to move the platform/pin on touch.

  • It's like creating a hero rescue game pins. The pins which moves has a physics and bullet behaviour . The lava/water/objects have a physics behaviour attached . Ideally when pin is pulled lava/water/object should fall .

    Now, if you leave layout for few seconds during preview layout , lava/water/objects doesn't fall. It stays still like pin is not pulled but on touch behaviour pin is pulled away.

  • I have added physics behaviour to an object . It collides with another physics object . Then the previous object leaves its own physics . Any kind of help is appreciated .


  • Hi , gamemonetize links works fine in paytm developer app. But my game link is not working. I have absolutely no idea.

    This is my game.


    Games that can run conveniently on same developer mode.


    Every other game is developed by construct 3 and they are all opening in paytm developer app.

    Only mine is not opening.

    I can whitelist developer who wants to help me.

    Also, you can even open google.com link in paytm developer app. Only my game is not opening there. A complete black screen appears. I have no idea why.

    This community has lot to do I know but if someone could help.


  • Using instant games plugin I am trying to load ad and show ad . In property of monetization manager , placement status is showing "requesting ads" meaning there is some kind of integration issue.

    I have only inserted instant games object and inserted following events.

    I can't figure out what exactly is not right.

    I raised case in Facebook and their investigation told update SDK. Case is still underway .

  • Hi , I am facing issue in construct 3 with instant plugin. Ads are not loading.

    When I talked to Facebook devs , they have told that your SDK is not updated . Try reintegration of your SDK.

    I don't know how to reintegrate it.

    What to do ? Can someone help me please.

  • Hi , I want to add ads in Facebook game . Can't show ads .


    I have used load ad then load ad success to show ad .

  • Hi , I am trying to upload my game to Facebook instant games. I have set my game to be launched globally.

    Now app centre is not going green (image)

    I realized that in settings > basic there is no added platform. I added a website.

    There's no change. I went through quick start written. Couldn't understand.

    Can anyone kindly tell me that even after exporting Facebook instant game from construct 3 , do I need to edit some files ? Because I really that c3 is best ,and there is something which I am going wrong.

  • There are construct posts which indicate that Huawei phones have kinda problem. Harmony OS have always been used . So,theory should work in practice. But heavily skinned can prevent without Android studio.

  • Hi , I have tried huawei developer program. I would like to know whether construct 3 games are supported for Huawei app stores. Kindly help. Thankyou.