Averaoxi's Forum Posts

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    As much as I bug Scirra to make prefabs. I don't find anything I can't do with Construct 3 within the scope of what they claim the engine does. Make 2D games.

    Plugins fill in most of the gaps. Chowdren is a way to get any game worth porting ported to switch.

    For the amount of convenience the engine provides - well worth the slight hassles.

    Chowdren literally costs more than $20k to do any kind of port. Game Maker Studio would literally cost you less than a 10th of the cost, and that includes the actual cost for the Switch developer kit

    Game Maker, while daunting at first, once you know how to use it it's easy as hell to use. I'm not even good at coding and already I feel really familiar with the program enough to know that what ever issue I come across, I can deal with just fine.

    Also convenience means absolutely nothing in the greater scheme of things. Because while it may be easier to learn Construct, once you actually learn something the likes of Game Maker, you realize just how limiting programs like construct actually are.

    But what ever, take constructive criticism and move on.

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    I think somebody's having Game Maker buyers remorse, and a bad case of cabin fever.


    I literally just praised game maker


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    Thats alot of shade for not showing us how well you've done with it.

    Lmao it ain't about how well I've done with it homie. As a developer, I make Yandere Dev look like Gabe Newell in comparison lmao

    All I did was give constructive criticism on that people need to take the time to learn Game Maker over a crappy engine that's never gonna do completely what you want.

    And plus the downsides pale in comparison to the upsides of Game Maker, idk why you're mad

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    it is LITERALLY worth the investment. Game Maker is way less *** and less glitchy, and is gonna have what ever feature you need. And even if it didn't. I guarantee you that SOMEBODY out there made an extension or two that'll help you achieve what you need in your game.

    Dont waste your time on this crap.

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    Construct's never gonna have all the features you wanna use in a game engine. Construct is never gonna be available to use on the switch. And even if it was, there's literally 0% guarantee it'll be on what ever next platform Nintendo will make. AND EVEN THEN, 3rd party console porters will literally charge you more than $20k just to port your game to a single platform, when a single console license for GMS is $700 yearly, and $1200 for the console bundle.

    Yes, it's Game Maker is harder to learn than Construct. It comes off as more daunting. But if you put the time in learning it, you'll never go back to engines like Construct, and you'll eventually reap the benefits of putting the effort into learning Game Maker. And while Construct is /easy/, it's not gonna have all the features that you, as a developer, need to utilize for your games.

    Y'all deserve to make the games you wanna make, y'all deserve to port it to what ever platform you desire without other people/3rd party companies gouging your finances. GAME MAKER WILL LITERALLY LET YOU MAKE ****** 2D SKYRIM, HOW IS THAT NOT WORTH LEARNING THAT TYPE OF SKILL

    Trust me, take the time to learn it, and it'll be as smooth as a knife through butter. Don't let these staff tell you off for wanting your game to be a certain way, give up on your construct license and focus on Game Maker. Your future will be much bigger and brighter for it. Your games WILL be successful.

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    OH, and while I'm at it. With Game Maker, you don't have to pay a monthly/annual fee :)

    except with like, console, but if your game's on the Switch, good chance it'll do well enough to be able to pay for it anyway

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    There is another argument to be had here.

    If we had Nintendo Switch support right now, how many games would make any money on that platform. The answer is probably not something people want to hear.

    I am not trying to be an ******** but simply curious. Does anybody have examples of financially at least moderately successful games made for Nintendo Switch in something like Game Maker, Godot, or any other. ( say games that made over $25,000 and were developed by a one or at most 2 guys )

    I know that Unity accounts for 30% or so of all Switch games, but my guess would be that 95% of them made no real money.

    I would like to be proven wrong.

    My point is simply, that it is very likely, as Ashley stated, that this would take a lot of time for Scirra to develop and in the end would be of very little use for any of us. Most successful games on Switch are games developed by teams of up to 200 people and take 2 years or more to develop. I doubt that describes anybody here.

    Nah, I mean, if your game is good/really good, and it's on the Switch, it's way more guaranteed to be successful than on a platform like Steam. Anyway, everybody who's taking issue with the problems of construct, just get Game Maker Studio, seriously. Game Maker can do way more than construct, it's a lot looser in how you design games, hell I figured out how to mimic Skyrim's saving system in the engine to a T. And plus, you can ACTUALLY export your games to console, especially the Switch.

    So yeah, take the time to learn Game Maker, and you'll be rewarded greatly for it. Oh, and be sure to keep an eye out for their humble bundle deals. You can get the engine cheap af when you keep an eye out for their sales.

    Seriously, don't be forced to limit yourself because of stuff like this, y'all have games you wanna make and share with people, don't wait on staff who aren't gonna be helpful, even if Nintendo somehow allowed Construct games to be ported onto the Switch, Construct is a jank *** engine that's gonna have a lot of dumb problems.

    Believe me, you'll thank me later, y'all'll be more happy if you make that change.

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    More than 15, less than 50. That's as specific as I'll go.

    Anyway, I appreciated their response but for my situation it just wasn't worth it.

    I mean technically speaking, if your game was already a success on PC, you could in theory just write off on your taxes the amount you'd need to spend on how much it would cost any third party company to port your game onto another platform, right?

    Although, they'd have to give you a receipt for you to write it off. Of course, I don't know if they do that or not.

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    Ok Kid !!! God bless you !!!

    and Remember kid my Video Game its on a Nintendo Console !!!! What about you ??? still talking on this forum !!! jajajaja >> Get to work !!! If you want to be on the History of Video Game specially for the Mother of all Video Games >>> NINTENDO <<<

    Be Wise !!! Work Hard and don't lose your time talking on the forums spreading hate !!!!

    Alright dude. It's not a big deal your game's on the Wii U. That system was failing since it first came out, and isn't even manufactured anymore because Nintendo never broke even with the system. People are looking to the Switch, the Wii U's on its way out.

    By the way, we literally had garbage games like Meme Run, that was approved by some reps for Nintendo. Your game being on the system doesn't mean jack. And frankly, the way you've acted constantly about this, you seriously deserve to be put in your place by your arrogance.

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