Weishaupt we don't have a way to logout through the API - is that something you think would be valuable for us to add? If we did do it, you would call the logout action, and Clay.io would bring up a window asking you to confirm if you want to logout. We'd have to do this so we don't have games that are malicious by logging users out of Clay.io every time they visit the game ;)
As Paradox said, if you just want to logout, you can from Clay.io
Paradox I think Windows 8 is okay with inline scripts so you can just toss this into your index.html (somewhere in between <head> and </head> - test it by swiping in the charm, going to settings and seeing if the privacy link shows up)
<script type='text/javascript'>
WinJS.Application.onsettings = function (e) {
e.detail.applicationcommands = {
"about": {
title: "Privacy", href:"http://clay.io/privacy"
I think that will do it, but I do remember when I was adding it to Word Wars, I may have had to do something else different. I'm not around that code right now so I can't take a look, but if that doesn't bring up the link, I can take a look