Attan's Forum Posts


    More attention to this game!

  • Sweet.... It's 01:00 for me.

    I'll start to enter these competitions once i've got my skillz back. I'v kinda had a break.

  • [quote:1eogqhai]I can click immediately again to get it to show.

    That's wierd... another guy had to click three times.

  • Read again. You're missing the point completely.

    [quote:jonk0p9r]Its probably becouse when you click again right after sprite is not visible yet.

    The sprite is visible 1/60 of a second after i click again. I don't click that fast. And as i said, it changes when i change the doubble click speed. At slowest i can wait like 2/3 of a second before the second click, and it still doesn't reveal the red box.

    [quote:jonk0p9r]ps. if you switch events, both will go visible .

    Of course they will.. I could also put the actions in the same event. But that's not what i'm talking about.

  • Some things looked really good! I'm not too convinced by the gameplay yet, but i've submitted my name to the notification list.

  • In this cap you can create two rectangles. If you click the mouse the blue one will appear. If you click the mouse and the blue one is visible, the red one should appear. Her's the wierd thing:

    If you click, and then click again within the doubble-click time (which depends on how your computer is configured) it doesn't reveal the red one. It looks like it's counting the second click as just a part of a doubble-click. If you try to change the doubble-click speed of your computer you will see that it affects the behavior of the application.

    Is this intentional?

  • Yeah, don't release it before it's ready. I tried to make a simple game yesterday for the first time in months. It didn't take me long before i got stuck by a bunch of wierd bugs.

    It's a LOT better though from when i tried it last time. Maybe it's time for me to start being active on this forum again. I've been a reader-only lately.

  • You're allready married... so that would be illegal. I'm a man of the law.

  • I guess its a good idea that you delete all spam and replace it with your own. At least we get QUALITY spam.

  • Wow, i missed this! Congratulations to you both!

    Deadeye: Congratulations! I know you're going to do a great job!

    Soldjahboy: But... who's going to clean up after you...

  • Thanks! Right now i don't have ps, but i understand the methods you used. i might try to do something like that! I've really gotten in to photography lately since i bought the camera, and I'm learning how to edit too! Thanks for the tips!

  • Soldjah, Did you only use the airbrush on that photo? In that case i REALLY don't know how to use that tool! Could you give me some instructions on how you edited that image?

  • Really nice! You got the "number is between" condition in there too! And deafult "run without ps." is great! Now i don't have to order a special version for every game people upload here!

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    dammit. My photoshop is f*ed up. I can't install it because it believes I'm trying to install two copies at the same time or something. I just bought a brand new Canon EOS 40D, so ps picked a bad time to crash. I can still use Paint shop pro though.. I'll see if i get the time to do something nice for you. I can give you this in the meantime... A HDR of a friend of mine. It got a little wrong at the right side though.

    <img src="">

  • That would work, and you could also add that "toggle" would change 1 to 0 and vice versa.