I think your attitude is unnecessarily combative, so I'm closing this thread as per the Forum & Community guidelines.
I apologise if you took my post the wrong way: my intention is to try to guide you to lessen your frustration - as in the right approach is "don't get angry, get curious" - and secondly help you find a solution quicker. The fact you appear confused about the order things could be happening in, indicated to me that you had not done something that would clearly indicate the order things are happening in. Console logging is a typical way of indicating that, and the samples you had posted did not include that already, which is why I suggested it.
Further your attitude does come across as generally accusing Construct or its design. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, as Construct is not perfect, there are many cases where backwards compatibility influenced a more unusual design, and so on. However it seems to be the only thing you are focusing on. There are many cases just in this thread you seem to be taking the view "nothing else works like this/it's illogical/this is crazy/do I have to do some pointless workaround". None of that really helps you understand what it is doing, why it's designed to do that, and how to make events that work with Construct, not against it. Everything in Construct generally is designed for some good reason and in many cases actually is analogous to how other programming languages work.
I empathise that working with difficult technical problems can be frustrating and sometimes it can get to you. However if there was a genuine misunderstanding over my post, firing back with the kind of language you used is certainly a step too far. I post in this forum with a good faith intent to try to help people, and I may sometimes misjudge the kind of advice people need, but I think you should take some time out to cool down, and come back with a more constructive attitude when posting on the forum in future.