Ashley I'm not asking for a personal favor here, this is something many people will benefit from...
I know, but you could say exactly the same about the close-to-600 other suggestions filed on the suggestions platform. That represents years and years of work, and suggestions are being filed faster than we could possibly implement them, so many ideas will probably never be done. So the question every suggestion has to answer is: why is this more important than all the other possible ideas we could work on? And what is the smallest, quickest and easiest way it could be done?
Could you tell which of these changes are possible to make, and which are not possible or too difficult?
I can only make educated guesses, since to know for sure would mean actually doing it and seeing how long it took, but based on speculation I'd say:
1. Allow rotation: extremely difficult
2. Arcs/curves: extremely difficult
3. Paste layer: moderately difficult
4. Allow resizing/fixed resolution: probably relatively straightforward
5. Drawing with transparency: possibly quite easy if one of the existing blend mode suffices (i.e. similar to using destination-out on an own-texture layer)
6. Flood fill: difficult and messy, since AFAIK it can't be done on the GPU, so would require a performance-killing GPU readback, software implementation of flood fill, then uploading the GPU buffer again. This is async and so will also conflict with any other attempts to draw while it processes. It's also inconsistent with all the other drawing commands which are GPU-accelerated.
7: Load URL: it's not clear that this is necessary if you can already do it via a Sprite?