Please post all bugs on the SourceForge Bug Tracker:
SourceForge Bug Tracker
You need a registered SourceForge account to post bugs. We know this may be a bit inconvenient if you don't have an account, but we've had problems with being unable to reproduce problems posted anonymously in the past, in which case we need to contact the submitter.
Bugs posted on the forum or sent by PM to admins may eventually be lost and forgotten - please don't report bugs that way. The tracker is the central place for dealing with bug reports. As usual, try to include with your bug report a .cap file and reproduction steps. Please attach the file to the SourceForge bug, or otherwise email it - upload sites sometimes expire files and not all bugs can be looked at immediately. Finally it is useful (but not required) to leave your contact details so if necessary I can contact you in case I need more information about the bug.