Ashley's Forum Posts

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  • Is it not working? I thought I coded support for that!

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  • Great example Yarfapet!

    I found you can use soft shadows by using an image with a gradient alpha channel. Have a look at this:

    (.capx here)

  • Download Construct 2 public preview 37

    Link to release 36

    New in this build - layer properties!

    <img src="">

    Layer properties allow you to set parallax and opacity on layers, plus a few other usual suspects. One thing to note is the layout background colour has been removed - you should use an opaque bottom layer instead. This, however, allows transparent canvases (if all layers are transparent), which will show the rest of the webpage underneath them.

    Parallax, if you've forgotten, is great for scrolling backgrounds. It's also very handy for HUDs - just set the parallax to 0 and your UI stuff won't scroll.

    Another benefit over Classic is you can now set layers to parallax in the editor, so you can preview how the objects move with the scrolling before running the game. Useful to get parallax right in some distant corner of your game.

    You can also set the opacity on entire layers - this works in the HTML5 canvas as well. There's a new demo based on the platform demo here (.capx here). The art is definitely uninspiring, but it shows three layers of parallax, non-scrolling text, and 50% opacity on the main layer.


    • [Add] Layer properties. You can now select a layer from the layers bar and edit properties for it in the properties bar.
    • [Add] Layer properties 'Parallax in editor' (improvement over Classic): if enabled, the layout view in the Construct 2 editor parallaxes like it does in the game, so you can see how things will line up before previewing.
    • [Add] Layout view: rotate handle for Sprites like in Classic
    • [Change] System 'compare values' condition: changed descriptions to emphasise it does not pick any objects, and just compares two raw values.
    • [Change/Remove] The layout 'background color' option has been removed because it is redundant. Instead, set the background color on the bottom layer and make sure 'transparent' is 'no'. On the other hand, if you want the canvas background to be transparent (i.e. show the rest of the web page underneath it), make sure all layers have 'transparent' set to 'yes'. Note a minor backwards incompatibility has been introduced: old projects from previous releases will consequently ignore the layout background color and assume all layers are transparent (because in those releases there were no layer properties). To restore an opaque background color set it on the bottom layer as described previously.
    • [Change] Layers are now named and numbered from "Layer 0". (This will only happen in new projects - old projects are not affected.) This is to reduce confusion when using layer numbers in the event system, which use a 0-based index for layers.
    • [Fix] Dragging around global/local variables sometimes removed references to the variable (with an alert) even though the things that were removed were still in the variable's scope.
    • [Fix] Bug with using arrow keys to move selected event in the event sheet editor.
  • Candescence, that's not a bug, it's by design since Construct Classic.

    The Compare Values condition does not do any picking. It literally works out two numbers and compares them.

    It has no idea what you're trying to do, so when you write TestEnemy.X, it just gets the first instance's X co-ordinate, and only ever the first instance's X co-ordinate. So you are actually telling Construct to only compare the distance between the first two instances. It's not a bug.

    It's really easy to solve: just put a 'For Each TestEnemy' condition above it and it will repeat the distance measurement for each instance!

    If you want to support multiple turrets you should add another for each, i.e.:

    + For Each TestTurret

    + For Each TestEnemy

    + distance(TestTurret.X, TestTurret.Y, TestEnemy.X, TestEnemy.Y) < 300

    -> Shoot...

    This compares the distance between every combination of enemy and turret. However, with lots of objects, this quickly becomes inefficient.

    What you need is the turret behavior, in Construct 2 In Classic, the Turret behavior takes care of all of this for you, and does it very efficiently as well.

  • You can also use the "code definition window" - great on multimonitor setups - that shows the definition of anything you click on separately, without making you navigate away from where you are.

    Sorry there's nothing better - the SDK was developed in our open-source volunteer days...

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  • No, shouldn't be any problems at all.

  • Definitely OpenGL: it's the same as the editor so we already have an OpenGL render we can recycle, it's multiplatform, and we can ditch that horrible D3DX update. I'm totally through with DirectX after Classic.

  • will C2 contain a 3dbox plugin like CClassic or not?

    I guess not in the HTML5 exporter - canvas only supports 2D. In the distant feature, it may come with an OpenGL exporter though.

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