Ashley's Forum Posts

  • If it hasn't been said beforehand, I'd love better folder management.

    Have you tried this in the C2 preview? Since the first release it's had drag-and-drop folder management.

  • I've tried updating the IDE code from VS2005 before, but couldn't get it working - I think we have a lot of legacy code, as well as the UI library, that depends specifically on VS2005's quirks. This is "fixed" in C2 which is all static linked and written in VS2010 - one of many reasons for a rewrite.

  • We're planning a feature like this - might be a while before we reach it though, lots of other features to do first!

  • To have parameters in plugin actions, conditions or expressions, call these before the related AddAction(), AddCondition() or AddExpression():

    // 0 is default initial value
    AddNumberParam("My param", "My description", "0");
    // can pass optional default as 3rd param
    AddStringParam("My param", "My description");
    // accepts either string or number
    AddAnyTypeParam("My param", "My description");
    // comparison combo box (equal, less than etc)
    AddCmpParam("My param", "My description");
    // object picker
    AddObjectParam("My param", "My description");[/code:1e1nua85]
    You can do combo params like this:
    AddComboParam("My param", "My description", 0); // 0 is default selection[/code:1e1nua85]
    These are the same for all of actions, conditions and expressions, except expressions can only take number, string or "anytype" params.
    [code:1e1nua85]AddNumberParam("Number", "Enter a number, whoop de doo.");
    AddExpression(0, ef_return_number, "My expression", "My category", "MyExpression", "A description for my expression.");[/code:1e1nua85]
    As with actions and conditions, expressions retrieve their parameters by ordinary javascript parameters, but [i]following the required 'ret' parameter[/i].  For example, the above expression function would look like this:
    [code:1e1nua85]// You can choose any name for the "my_number" parameter, it doesn't matter.
    // However it must come *after* the "ret" parameter.
    exps["MyExpression"] = function (ret, my_number)
    		ret.set_float(my_number * 2); // just return parameter doubled
    Hope that helps.  I'd recommend reading through the javascript of all the other plugins to gain an understanding of the SDK right now - there aren't any docs yet.
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  • Construct Classic has its flaws. Construct 2 is being designed to fix them - not just bugs, but things like collaboration. Working on Construct 2 projects in teams should be much, much easier - Classic uses a big single binary file which is impossible to merge, but C2 uses project folders with XML files that can be merged, versioned on SVN and so on.

    I don't want to annoy the Classic developers but I personally would recommend waiting for C2 to come to some level of maturity before starting a large project. Alternatively, scale down your project for Classic - you might run in to difficulties with a large project.

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  • Owls and larks I think it is! Ha, I'm an owl too, I reckon my most productive time is 11pm-3am

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  • You don't need step 1 - when you press Export in C2, one of the files it generates is called index.html. Then, you can edit that file how you like. HTML is fairly straightforward, there are tutorials on the internet. You can upload all the files C2 exported (including your edited index.html) anywhere you like - to its own folder is probably a good idea - and link to it from the blog.

    If you just want to try and get something working, just upload the entire folder C2 exports to the server and you should at least have the game running!

    You're right that this should be easier - you've arrived at a very early stage in C2's development though, we're still sorting these details out.

  • I was thinking about how to answer the question, but to be honest I think a much simpler thing to do is:

    1) upload all the exported files to a new folder on your server (by ftp) - anywhere you like, then

    2) just link to index.html in that folder.

    If you know HTML you can modify index.html as much as you like to style like your blog, have instructions and help, and so on.

    It is possible to integrate it in to the Wordpress blog, but there are complications. For example, you could upload one game, but uploading a second would replace the first. This is because C2 doesn't yet give you any options when you click export - it just dumps the files to a folder. This is C2's fault - we haven't added the necessary features yet.

    I can go through how to integrate the game anyway if you like, but I think the link-to-a-folder will work better for now I'm afraid. I've added better export options to my todo list!

  • Local storage is probably the wrong term to use, since it usually refers to HTML5 local storage which is something different completely. I think newt means ftp access, basically.

    To make a C2 HTML5 app run on a Wordpress site you need two things:

    1) ability to upload the exported files to the server (often via ftp)

    2) ability to change the HTML code of the page (to insert the canvas tag).

    If your Wordpress is hosted by a provider, you probably can't do either. If it's your own server running Wordpress, you probably can do both. Where's your Wordpress hosted and can you modify it?

  • We need our own image editor for Construct 2 specific features: specifying the hot spot, image points, and collision polygons. Other editors don't do that.

    The built in image editor isn't meant to be a full-blown professional image editor. It's a convenience. You can do your artwork in Paint.NET/Photoshop/GIMP/whatever and just import it later if you prefer!

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  • iOS can run HTML5 games, but it might be a little slow. We might write an iOS exporter for C2 in future - no guarantee though, depends on our plans. Might be worth keeping an eye out though.

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