Arsonide's Forum Posts

  • Or it might be that he's using Noise 2.0 and Lucid is using the original Perlin Noise plugin in this example.

    Lucid that is awesome. I have no idea how it works though as I haven't had the time to play with it yet. I'm going to mess with it tonight, but that's exactly what I'm looking for.

  • I want planets that do this. The surface of that circle is generated with one dimensional perlin noise - ignore my terrible paint art. It's for demonstration purposes.

    I want the circle to split open on the opposite side, and "unroll" as you move in, into a platformer level, and once you land, platformer controls take over. If you move in a bit and then back out, it should form back into a circle. I'm not sure if this makes any sense, but ideally it will also orient with the bottom of the screen and blow up in size.

    If this makes any sense to you, and you have any idea how to make it work - please respond, because that would be a dream come true for me. I'm not sure if it would require an effect, or a custom plugin, but I have the resources to make it work, if I had any idea where to start.

  • can I get the cap for this in construct classic? thanks I'd like to learn from your project

    I have been discussing open sourcing this with the rest of the team...they aren't enthusiastic about it at this time, but perhaps I can swing a few votes. I'm working on it. Keep in mind that even if I did open source it - a lot of it is in the form of a custom plugin (straight C++ code), that was not meant for public consumption. It's quite homebrew. If you can sort through that, you could probably do something with this.

    We migrated from Unity to this - not the other way around.

  • I think an obvious suggestion would be to include actual embedded HTML 5 samples on the tutorial/samples pages.

  • Declare an action in main.h, define it in Actions.cpp, and give it an ACE entry in ACE Table.cpp

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Delimit them with the pipe character: '|'. It is on shift-\.

  • You will hear differing opinions from person to person, but Construct Classic is quite capable of large projects. Even more so if you know a little C++ and want to get your hands dirty in the SDK.

  • That's a pretty vague error. Is there any way you can clarify what's going on a little better? Maybe post a log or something?

    Unresolved externals usually happen when you forget to include a lib file with your project.

  • Oooh, I'll have to include this with the next build of Noise.

  • More than likely libnoise.dll is not in the Construct directory.

  • To be honest, debugging is kind of a pain in the *** too. You have to perform these steps:

    • Batch build debug and debug runtime.
    • Move them into the Construct directory.
    • Boot up Construct.
    • Build a test program cap using the new plugin, so that Temp.exe is updated.
    • Finally, set your IDE to debug with Temp.exe and run it.

    Sometimes this doesn't even work for some reason, but this seems to be the only way to do it. Every time you make a minor change to the code, while debugging, you have to perform these steps. So yeah save yourself the trouble and run in release and runtime unless you absolutely have to debug. Debug also runs slower, which for most plugins will be an unnoticable difference unless they are processor intensive. I noticed a slowdown with GridTree running in debug.

  • The latest example of a stack that I've used is parsing a mathematical expression with nested parentheses. I would receive a string from the user of a mathematical expression, such as (5+2*(4/(1+1))).

    Now rather than let the compiler handle this on it's own, I can manually parse this using a stack. I had to do this because it was not actually a mathematical expression but a ruleset for the name generator in Muse. After the stack was filled, it looked like this: ((())).

    It was a stack of parentheses, and in a for loop I would wait until the last one was a ( and the current one was a ). At that point I would solve everything in between them since I was in the inner most pair of them, then replace that section of the expression with the solution, and start over again after popping them off the stack.

  • The deque expression "at" is not working, due to the word "at" being reserved by Construct for some other purpose. I'm going to upload a new version in a minute that fixes that expression by changing the word to something else.

    EDIT: Fixed. New version is up - at was changed to Deque.element - remember that particular expression is 0 indexed, and that accessing anything that doesn't exist (this also goes for stack tops, and queue front/backs - though the only time that would matter is if the stack or queue is empty), will always come up as 0.

  • So I disappeared for a week or so, had to take care of some real life stuff. So to make up for it, I whipped up three quick and easy plugins that give Construct users access to some fairly basic programming concepts. The data structures included in this pack are stacks, queues, and deques. There is a fairly comprehensive tutorial cap included. These structures are all one dimensional and sound extremely basic at first, but they open up many more possibilities than they seem to at first glance. I have given them the ability to store integers, floating point decimal numbers, and strings.

    A stack is a simple structure that can be visualized as a stack of dinner plates. It is one dimensional, and when you add an element, it is added on top. When you remove an element, it is also removed from the top. Therefore the more elements you add, the more you bury your first element. Your first element will always be your last one out of the stack.

    A queue is just the opposite. It's kind of like a line of people at the movie theater. When an element is added, it is added to the back. As elements are added, they are pushed forward, and elements are removed from the front. The first element you add will be the first one removed. Just like a movie line - unless someone cut in front of you.

    A deque is just like a queue, except elements may be added from either end, and removed from either end. The word stands for "Double Ended QUEue". It's pronounced "deck". When an element is added it is pushed towards the center of the deque. Deques also have a special property that stacks and queues do not - a stack and a queue only give you access to the top element (in a stack), or the front and back elements (in a queue). All of the other elements are stored, but you can't access them, like you would an array. A deque gives you access to any element in the deque. So it's kind of like an array that you can add elements to on either end. It's complicated - but if you play around with the included cap file, you will understand in time.

    You add elements to these structures using the "push" action. You remove them using "pop" actions. Then you can access the structures via expressions to see what is inside them.

    The interactive cap file will explain these concepts more than I ever could with text. So have at it! And thank newt for the idea - he gave it to me. Now I will start finishing up with Muse.



  • This is juuuust about done. I just have one kink to work out, and the release of Terraria set me back a day.