Here is how to automatically include dlls with your plugins. I found this in the xaudio2 source when I was making the audiere plugin.
Add this to edittime.cpp after #ifndef RUN_ONLY
// Dependencies
// Add any DLLs your plugin depends on here.
void WINAPI ETAddDependencies(MicroDependency& dependencies)
// Any DLL files added here are retrieved from the Plugins\Runtime directory, and compiled in to exported EXEs.
// When the EXE runs, the DLL is extracted to the current directory before loading your plugin, so calls such
// as LoadLibrary("example.dll") will succeed at runtime. This greatly simplifies redistribution for end users.
// Eg.
Then edit ConstructSDK.def and add this line
[code:1iakkpxh] ETAddDependencies @15[/code:1iakkpxh]