arloft's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Thanks a ton for those samples of how to rotate the card using different methods. I'm going to study each method until I understand how each part works and why. I really appreciate the help, dop2000. 🙌🏽

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  • I'm trying to build a simple card game to learn Construct. I've built this in Scratch 2 already but can't figure out how to rotate the card left (counter clockwise). It moves one step then stops. I thought I could use the same setup for rotating it right (clockwise) but it doesn't work.

    I don't quite understand Timers either, from what I read, they seem like Messages in Scratch, except each Timer is independent. When I call a Timer to run the rotate-left animation, it moves one step then stops. I've also tried a Repeat loop (repeat 12 times Set Angle to -8), it steps one time then stops. My guess is I'm fundamentally misunderstanding how Construct runs the stack of events/actions. I'm thinking of it like objects that respond to calls (sort of like how Scratch uses Messages). Also misunderstanding how Timers work (more so, how actions are executed under a Timer call), and I don't think the manual does a good job of explaining how to use these functions.

    Links to my --

    C3P file: ... e.c3p?dl=0 C3P project file (stored on Dropbox)

    Scratch project: "basic card actions, working (buggy)- card hover, drag drop" (view in browser, requires Flash)

    • Added a GIF of the Scratch project running...

    Here's a screenshot of my event sheet (modified slightly from the c3p file), and a GIF of the project running to show the behavior.

    Event Sheet

    C3P Project running

    Scratch Project running

  • 2 posts