Arima's Forum Posts

  • An object that encompasses other objects, so you can have one piece of code control multiple objects. It is what 'car' is to a Subaru.

  • Check r74's log. Families are currently being worked on for the next release.

  • Yep, that works. Thanks!

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  • Personaly i think its a pile of sh*t, you cant even incorporate simple commands, all i wanna do is move a sprite 360 and rotate 360 on a second controller and there's no script for it !


    Being rude isn't going to get people to want to help you. Relax! A bit of patience will help a lot - especially in game development, because it requires a lot of it. If someone hasn't answered your question in a day or two, then it's okay to bump the thread to try to get people's attention again.

    You not doing yourself any favors by throwing insults around, and not making any friends in the process either, which, again, isn't going to make people want to help you.

    So calm down a bit. I understand it can be frustrating when something doesn't work, but you've got to realize these type of blocks happen all the time in game dev. Learning how to deal with the frustration is important.

    Simply clarify or reword your question in your other thread in a more polite manner and we'll try to help you out.

  • I've been trying to get this to work, but haven't managed to. What I'm trying to do is set a bunch of values, convert that into a JSON string, set the result to a text box object, copy it, and then in the event editor, use it as an expression in the 'load table from JSON string' action. From one of your examples, it gets this:


    If I paste that into the expression, it doesn't work at all. How can I get this to work?

  • Even though it's possible, that's not really a realistic solution, even for small levels. Using the CSV plugin is far better, which basically makes a single string out of an array. Only one thing to have to set at edit time.

  • Wouldn't that require the ability to save and load arrays though? I haven't got all that involved in working on something in C2 yet, but I haven't yet found a way to do this without resorting to something like the CSV plugin, which looks like I might be able to use to get the same effect, though it's only a 2D array, not 3D.

  • 7Soul Do you know about event sheet includes? Those fix the problem MMF has about having to update each layout's code by copying and pasting it.

  • Put Xaudio on the first layout and make it global.

  • Nice, if true. I wonder if they'll let people without an office actually develop for the thing though... I'm guessing not, considering their comments in the past about not being interested in working with garage developers.

  • What if you put one set of resize handles around all of the objects selected?

  • I think the right and left arrows would be better, and having moving the hot spot around should be ctrl + arrows. Coming from an animation background, ergonomically it's preferable to not have to hold another key when repeatedly checking if an animation is smooth with the arrow keys. I think swapping between frames would also be used more often than hot spot placement with arrows as well, especially once the image editor gets more features.

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  • Apologies for the messy .capx, but this is the first time I've managed to reproduce this reliably (.capx link sent via PM). The problem seems to be localized in two events - 122 and 137.

    Event 122 should select the instances of enemybase where enemybase.hittimer is less or equal 0. This appears to not always be the case.

    Run the .cap, hold the left mouse button in the direction you want to move. When you're close to the enemybase black oval, it'll move towards the hero. At that point - and only when the enemybase is moving towards the hero (otherwise the bug won't show) and the detector sprite overlaps it, click in the direction of the enemybase to attack it. Doing do will result in the enemybase.hittimer value getting stuck above 0, and the enemybase isn't hit backwards properly.

    Next, enable condition 3, "enemybase.hittimer is less or equal 0" in event 137. Run it again, and it works properly.

    It shouldn't make a difference if that condition is enabled or not, as that condition has already been checked in event 122.