Arcticus's Forum Posts

  • Here's a link to where I'm at currently

    (sorry its not commented! If something is confusing lemme know and I'll explain)

    It's not using the latest version of construct and Deadeye said something along the lines of clicking on every physics object or something to get it working (I'm using the physics for realistic collisions)

    I'm thinking we are indeed stuck on the same thing.

    And yeah, I'm -trying- to make it so long/tall ojects are accomodated for, but if I have to split objects up to get it working i will lol

    Mipey - I've been trying believe me haha, it's a lot easier said than done! I can only seem to sort it either by Y coordinate OR height, I can't seem to do both

  • That's what I'm doing.

    I use invisible sprites to represent where the object is on the ground for collisions and stuff and then associate a graphical sprite to that and put it at whatever height it's supposed to be.

    That's not really the problem I'm having, the problem is i can't SORT the graphical sprites in realtime in a way that allows for vertical movement (general player movement, tunnels, jumping, elevators etc)

  • Let me just put it out there that i'm not making a 'strictly' isometric game, I'm going more for a pixel by pixel treatment rather than a tile by tile, it doesn't stick to the old diagonal layout that most of them have as I'm going for a more natural look. But really, the theory should be basically the same.

    Mipey - can you go into further detail as to how you would go about such a thing? I do know how it -should- be drawn, i just can't for the life of me figure out -how- I will be able to do it

  • Heheh I -am- using that

    That works great if you don't use height, but I'm putting jumping and stuff in, and the sorting becomes a NIGHTMARE.

  • Ah dam I think I realised why this doesn't work now. As soon as two overlapping objects of the same size are at different heights, the one who has the highest top edge variable will be put in front, even if it's Y co-ordinate is behind it due to the way I'm scanning it

    False alarm by the looks of it... as these things usually are.

    But I think I'm still pretty close and I'm going to explore some options once i figure them out

  • The loop 'scans' from the ground up and if the 'height' of the loop (the loop index) is between any objects that need to be sorted's height variables (lower edge and upper edge) it sorts any of the picked objects in ascending order of where their Y value (regardless of 'height') and brings them to the front in that order.

    Now for debugging purposes I made it so it didn't use a loop but used a user control variable that i could raise or lower, just so i could monitor what's going on wherever the 'scanline' is at. I made the picked objects change tint to see what I was working with. When using this method, it actually sorted everything fine, but the loop method does not work so well.

    p.s. this sorting method does however require that tall objects be split up but meh

  • Hey as a lot of you know I've been stuck on depth sorting for ages.

    I've come up with some sorting events, that in my mind, make complete sense and SHOULD work.

    However they don't seem to be working as planned. Here it is:

    <img src="">

    Does anyone have any idea why this wouldn't work properly?

    I ran a small test that, instead of using a for loop, I used a user controlled variable that was increased and decreased by pressing the up and down arrows and it worked perfectly. But when I'm using the loop it doesn't work

  • This isn't the same webpage I found it on, but it IS the same article

    Unfortunately, just as he's getting to the good stuff, he just kinda stops?

    Looks imcomplete to me, that's why I asked on the forums here, in case anybody knew if it would help.

    P.S. Someone is gonna have to fill me in on arrays and hash tables or whatever they're called, they sound like they could be quite useful but I have no idea how to use them or what situation they'd be good for, but please Arcticus, STAY ON TOPIC!

  • Yeah that sounds pretty sweet Quazi

    A lot of people don't use animation angles, but i'm hoping a lot of people want to! And with a real UI it'd be heaps easy

    I agree that the clickteam style animation editor would be a bit of a cop out, but as long as it gets the ball rolling for other ideas i'm happy

    Keep those ideas comin! I'll probably try to come up with something later when I'm awake so I'm not a hypocrite

  • Yeah I figured it was a bit of a copy, but hell it works. A lot of construct looks a lot like those older ones anyway lol!

    But hey I don't care what it looks like as long as it's user friendly!

    I still like the radial display thingy though

    What I would REALLY like to see, even if you don't change anything else, is that importing suggestion I made. That would just streamline importing one hell of a lot and make other 2d genres a little more approachable, rather than just having side-on and top-down games all over the place

    Hey maybe some other people reading this have some good animation editor UI ideas!

    Everyone interested should throw up a little diagram!! Mass brainstorm moving in

  • Previewing!! Thank you! I completely forgot about that. That's such a good idea that i'm gonna change my little paint diagram lol

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  • A doubly linked list is a programming structure. You won't be able to make an equivalent in events - Construct hides all those details from you.

    Aw drag. Will we ever find a solution I wonder?.....

  • So while I was snooping around the net for any kind of answer to my sorting problem, I read an article that said one of the best ways to do it is with a double linked list or something.

    Now I am just an average guy, what the hell is a double linked list?! lol, I tried reading about it on wiki but it was obviously written by someone a lot smarter than me.

    Long question short, does anyone here know if a double linked list would be the answer to this sorting problem and if it's even possible in construct?

  • Yeah, I still think it would make a -brilliant- addition to the already amazing construct, because while it would help IMMENSELY with a diablo 2 style of game, it would still provide just as much functionality as it does now for other styles of games, if not slightly easier in my opinion. I don't find the current animation editor entirely user friendly, I acknowledge that it's probably largely due to other problems having a higher priority, but animation editors need love too!!

  • Well for example, creating a 16 direction 2.5d/isometric looking sprite (ala Diablo 2) with multiple animations would be an enormously long task with the editor as it stands. You would have to manually enter each direction, then import every animation for every direction in manually, whether that involves rendering/drawing them as separate animation files/image lists for each angle or having the whole animation and all it's directions in the one long animation, either way it would take ages and require a lot of work due to people like me making mistakes in such a procedure.

    You would THEN have to do all of that AGAIN for EVERY sprite/character/npc in the game, amounting to HUGE amounts of time and effort that this kind of method i suggested basically eliminates.

    My method would involve:

    • Create the animation
    • Choose the amount of animation angles
    • Import the imagelist/animation file (assuming you've drawn/rendered them all already)
    • Choose the correct amount of frames per angle
    • Let the importer do it's thing
    • Rinse and repeat for each animation
