Arcticus's Forum Posts

  • I don't know if you're having a shot at me or agreeing with me!

    I might need you to clarify heheh

    Also I have no idea what that song is to be honest, I prefer proggressive metal, the virtuoso guitarists and the more powermetally stuff (as well as computer game music!)

  • His collisions were pretty much spot on! I gotta work out how he did it, it's made in a way completely different to how I would set up a .cap lol, just not used to looking at other people's work I guess.

    Maybe that's why his worked lol

    Well, it's not perfect, but it's about as close to perfect as it'll get (with the exception of Fenstalker's fancy method which can even solve that 'impossible' isometric sorting problem)

    I won't be making a game with it for a little while though, currently busy with studies

  • Yeah haha! I saw that, it's only there for debugging as I haven't put proper player movement or collisions in yet.

    There are still a couple of level configurations I've found that break the Filmation method but ah well, I'll just try to avoid those.

  • Hey all, sorry about all the constant posts from me

    I managed to pull that Filmation method apart the Rojohound introduced here and applied it to my game, I still made it so it only affects things on the screen. It also fixes -most- of the problems I had with sorting, there are still glitches here and there but I don't think I can actually get it to work any better than this without severly hindering performance. Currently runs like a dream and I'm pretty happy with it, it's just a little disappointing that most if not all of my own method of sorting is out the window now. Although I guess I was essentially just doing the same thing, just not in the best way. I'll update the link.

    <img src="">

    If you want the .cap I can upload that too, who knows, maybe you'll be able to improve it.

  • That might work, I've already got the two families method going well

    Although I'd imagine a 'red overlaps blue' would result in it still sorting when it doesn't need to, due to level objects.

    But I do have a flag called 'isMoving' which I have yet to do a whole lot with, I could try checking to see if something is moving and then try the overlapping approach.

    I was also able to increase performance a fair bit by changing the picking method to two for each's, (it was originally a nested for loop which would then check object ID's) I also increased it further by only sorting the objects on the screen

    Hopefully now, with good level design, I won't have largeish levels running at 5fps...

    I'll let you know how I go

    EDIT: I have to stop throwing the term 'flawlessly' around ......

  • Hey again everyone


    It works flawlessly now, I used a combination of my current code and the method that Rojohound gave us all ages ago. I still think his way (the filmation way) is better, in that he has less events, but for some reason I just couldn't make it work the same way, even with exactly the same conditions. In any case, the loop is just as long.

    Performance is still an issue, I'm currently working on a way to make it so it only re-sorts the lot whenever something needs changing, no point running the loop if everything is just sitting still, not changing the order at all

    *replaces previous melancholy with jubilation*

  • This might be a little bit of a long winded way of doing this, but you could have the player have a private variable called something like, 'shotCounter' and do something like the following:

    when player has shoot button down:

    --->add timedelta to shotCounter

    if shotcounter is equal or greater then 200 (you may want to raise or lower this value)

    --->play the sound

    --->put your shoot code here

    --->set shotCounter to 0

    If that doesn't work, you could put the trigger once while true as a subevent to the shotCounter > 200ish with the sound action within that

    Hope that helped

    EDIT: The only real benefit to using this way over the way you mentioned, is that you can at least make it so it fires STRAIGHT when you click, rather than waiting a little sometimes

    EDIT2: You could also apply this to enemies if you want them to fire are their own independent rates, rather than all shooting at the same time

  • Thanks Minor I hope I get the chance too haha

    Also, you didn't see any problems cause I made the player start in a place where he doesn't cause any

    I would really like to know, has anyone had any performance issues running my demo? Anything below 50-60 fps?

  • I definately intend to make something with this

    Be it a full game or at least a plugin

    I've been incredibly tempted by Unity though and once I have time I will experiment on that too

    Thanks for your encouragement

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  • ...I can't help but think this Filmation method is a lot better than the method I spent so long making. I've looked around for code like that but never found it, now that I've found it, I don't quite understand most of the math jargon they're using.

    And they have a really solid collision method working too!

    I certainly feel like I've wasted a lot of time on this sloppy method of sorting...

    If someone here know's how to translate that maths for me, I could apply it to my sorting and see if it's any better

    What a bittersweet finding..

  • Yeah I tried triple checking, the exact same thing happened so I'm pretty sure it's just an issue in my code somewhere. In a previous iteration of the code, where I first used the double check, from memory, it worked without a hitch, but the code was a little bulkier then and slowed it down a lot...

    I have not seen Rojo's iso stuff, I'm not entirely sure it will help me, but that's me remembering all the research I did on the net and not finding anything useful except an algorithm that converts screen XY into isoXY lol, but here's hoping he's a smart chap, I'll look around for it.

  • Quick update, I tried out the 'double check' method again, and it's working really well no matter where I put the player, with the exception of the little stack of three boxes and the archway, they're still really stuffing up, once I get some more time I'll sit down and try to figure out why....

    (By glancing at my code, it really should just work )

  • I guess they're going with any publicity is good publicity approach...

    People have been taking dumps on Christianity for years, and they will for years to come, can't really change that. Heck, it even said that would happen in the Bible haha.

    At the end of the day I guess, if you don't like it, don't watch it However, that still doesn't stop it from affecting other people who are watching it (kids for example), which is concerning.

  • Yay Unity uses C#, I think it's decided that I will grab Unity and Blender and try those out.

    I still want to fix my current 2D iso code up, I'll try to get around to using that double check method paired with a bubble sort. Maybe even down the line I could turn it into a plugin that everyone could use.

    Davio... isometric towerclimb would completely rock my world!

    Thanks for encouragement everyone! I was starting to get a bit bummed out

  • Deadeye.... I absolutely LOVE how you made it my test level!! Hahahah!

    That looks really good! You're really making me want to try that out now.

    Ironic that you whipped that up in a day and it's taken me three years!

    Actually Lucid, I did try a 'twice through' loop, I think it actually worked too, but because it's a pretty fat loop, it affected the performance dramatically so I took it down. However.... if I implemented a system that uses the fat loop to get the initial order and assemble a master list, then all I would need to do is make a similar loop that just swaps objects around that need swapping, rather than resorting everything every tick.

    I might give that one a try

    Oh Deadeye, what kind of code does Unity use? I've started learning C# and (technically) VB and I've dabbled a little in Java and Actionscript years ago...