ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Most people just use dropbox to share files, it's free.

  • Do you have a sample capx we can look at?

  • Hmm, that bottom one should work. Do you have a sample capx?

  • What's not effective about it?

  • How are you using the action? On keypress, touch, etc.

    The degree is how much it moves each time that Event is triggered. For example if:

    One KeyDown Z

    ------->rotate 1 degree towards 270

    This means, while I hold down the Z key the object will rotate 1 degree per tick towards 270.

  • Ok, you are setting your Text object to show the score on the Start of Layout. That only happens when the layout first starts. What you want to do is the add code to show the score in the text object either every tick, or when a score is updated.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • How are you checking to see if they update? If you are not refreshing a text box or something with the info, then it might not be showing an accurate number.

    High score is pretty easy. I have a tutorial on doing an arcade style one, you can build off of it to do a top 10 or something. In fact, I might just do a tutorial on a top 10 local high score table.

    Arcade Style High Scores

  • Ask for a premium account from CocoonJS and you can do it that way.

    Or build your game with Phonegap using eclipse and you can implement any ad SDK you want. It's not an easy task, fyi. Has to be a pretty simple for Phonegap to work well.

  • All you can do is just work through tutorial and start building something and asking questions along the way. You have to just dive right in.

    I do plan on doing a tutorial for this type of game in the future, but it won't be ready for a while.

    Gotta get your hands dirty. Maybe the Platform beginner tutorial is a good place to start. It's the first or second tutorial listed.

  • My app might be helpful.

    You will want to have the Webworks SDK installed. Most of this app is not needed now that Construct has blackberry export, but the transfer to simulator or device part might help you.

  • Audio File Name should just be the variable name. like Song7 (no quotes)

    I just tested it and it seemed fine. Unless you are trying to do something trickier?

    Example CAPX

    Sound Play By Name

  • How are you currently making the eyes follow the cursor?

  • Nice work.

  • You could have an invisible sprite that acts as the camera, set scrollTo to it. Then based on comparisons (like distance of the two characters) have the camera do something, like zoom out.

  • Well, there is tiled background, if you image can be tiled.

    Otherwise, it's just a sprite. Usually people put it on it's own layer and call it background.