ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I got this email from Luke earlier in the week, he's the one that created the SDK. Hopefully we will see something from the FGL guys soon.

    "Hi Ed,

    Thanks, and sorry for not getting back to your last mail over the weekend.

    I've currently been pulled off of this project for a few days (bad timing) because some other really high-priority tasks came up, but I will be back on it soon. When I next work on this I'll make sure to look more deeply into the Construct 2 stuff, because it does seem that a lot of the submitted games are created with that.

    I'll keep you in the loop when I make any progress on this."

  • When? My just failed it last night.

  • Nope, my last one was rejected for no pause again (although I added Browser and On Suspend calls my pause function). Plus, touch seems to not work with their SDK, then can't close out of the ads screen.

    I'm just going to wait on them to release a plugin.

  • Great job man! That's a good rate for a non-exclusive license with no changes to the game.

  • Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on this. I had to put in on hold for about a week as my arcade was broken into while I was out of town, so I had to come to dealing with that. Anyway, my plan is to break this course down into smaller courses. 1. To keep the cost a little more reasonable and 2. I can put them out as they are completed, rather than trying to wait for the whole thing to be done. Here are my planned courses:

    1. Basics

    a. Setting up your screen resolution for multiple devices

    b. Exporting to use JS based ad networks like Leadbolt and LifeStree Media

    c. Getting you game out there to publishers using, and emailing websites.

    2. Android and CocoonJS

    a. Google Play Game Services (Leaderboards and Achievements)

    b. In App Purchases

    c. Ads with Mopub + Admob (can be applied to other ad networks mopub supports)

    d. Preparing your game on the CocoonJS Compiler

    e. Compiling and testing your game.

    f. Setting up your game on Google Play

    g. Signing your APK

    h. Uploading your game to Google Play

    3. iOS and CocoonJS

    a. Game Center (Leaderboards and Achievements)

    b. In App Purchases

    c. Ads with Mopub + iAds

    d. Preparing your game in the CocoonJS Compiler

    e. Compiling and testing you game with Xcode

    f. Setting up your game in iTunesConnect

    g. Publishing your game to the app store with xcode

    Let me know what needs to be added and where.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hmm, this is interesting. You would think google would at least tell you, "Hey, your game was rejected"

  • The game does have a pause button, but it doesn't activate on suspend. I guess I need to add the browser object to make that happen.

  • My game came back from testing with this.

    Tested On:

    -Kindle Fire

    -CMS Tester

    Problem(s) Found:

    1) Game does not pause when device is suspended/locked.

    Procedure Pause problem:

    1.) Start game using Web App Tester

    2.) Play game.

    3.) Suspend device.

    4.) The game will still be playing.

  • Thanks Tom.

    I didn't see this in the OP. PM page layout is kind of wacky.

  • I'm sure it's been posted already, but is there currently a fix to no have to log in all the time? Remembering my login isn't working .

    Also Signatures don't seem to be appearing.

    PM Boxes seem a bit too small (50 messages?)

    Any chance on getting our old PMs back?

    Thanks as always.

  • Ashley, I will check when I get home. I run C2 on 3 different computers and my home computer was the only one that had the issue, and it only cropped up when I installed a new video card (Radeon 7770 HD), my older Radeon (6570 I believe) was fine.

    My other 2 systems, the problem never existed. Both are running Nvidia graphics cards.

  • I can confirm that my performance got much better with the recent update to Chrome. My recent game was struggling after I upgraded my video card to an AMD Radeon 7770 HD. FPS had dropped from a smooth 60 to 40-50. Now it's back up to 60, no problems.

  • I'm waiting for the plugin to have the branding portion so I can submit my games.

    I've asked the FGL guys if they are interested in doing their own, official plugin. They think maybe considering the amount of feedback they are seeing on the c2 forums.

  • This is in the hands of Ludei. They say they are working on it, and it should be ready in a couple of weeks.

  • I didn't notice a change with the beta plugin. I'll keep messing around it.