ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • irina,

    The Capx will be all wonky if you don't have the plugin installed correctly.

  • No, that's why I couldn't get it to work at all. It's what was causing the issues for me . Once I set it to Google Play Services, it worked.

  • The course is now live, and I made the first video a free preview. It's about screen resolution and might be a good watch, even if you are no interested in buying the course.

    I'm also giving a $10 off coupon with this link, making the course $19.

    Now with the new CJS plugin out, I can start concentrating on the next one. I purchased a much better microphone too .

  • Sounds good. Then one thing I will concentrate on next is ability to extract the manifest from the cjs compiled apk and reinserting it. Unless that has already been attempted using APKTools?

  • I see, thanks for clarifying.

    Wouldn't you need the find accounts permission to use google play services? Right now when I launch an app with it, the app asks me which account I want to log in with since I have multiple on my phone?

    Is there a list of what permissions, if any, are required for google game services?

  • I don't really have an issue with it. A few of my CJS games have over 50,000 installs and I have never had one complaint about the permissions. Maybe they just don't install it so they can't review?

    I just installed my app and here are the permissions.

    Read Phone Status and Identity

    Approximate Location (this is for location based ads)

    Modify or delete contents on your usb storage

    Find accounts on the device (google play services)

    Full Network access (ads)

    View Network Connections

    Prevent Tablet From Sleeping.

    None of those seem over the top to me.

  • I can confirm it's working. Just need to figure out how it all works now, but it does appear to be working in 168.

  • So I didn't notice this section of the plugin. I had it set to none. DUH!

    I'm about to test it.

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  • Ok, I got the demo working. Now to my own game.

  • Thanks

    If you follow my thread on GitHub you can see that Andreas says the demo works fine for him, but his own app doesn't. I'm flushing my C2, reinstalling and then reinstalling the new version of the plugin to just see if there was issues somewhere.

  • I haven't actually tested it on iOS. That was never a problem in a the past, so hopefully that isn't broken .

  • Yes, that's the one.

  • Well I know it's not my Capx, I compiled the demo capx and get the same error when I click on the "Click to log in" button on the social tab.

    Would be great if anyone else can confirm or not that clicking on the Click to Log in button actually prompts a login to google play games, on an actual mobile device of course.

  • Well to be fair, they were working on the latest stable release (r163). That makes sense, as the next stable release only came out yesterday.

    Can't blame them for that.

  • Thanks Ashley, that's what I figured. I'll keep messing around with it.