ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • You put in the leaderboard name when you access it in events.

  • Good info, so sounds like it could be a Chrome issue, which means it's in Node Webkit, correct?

  • Never used 9patch, sorry. You might send and email to about the 9patch issue with an example capx.

    As for game center, it's nothing more than setting the social service to GameCenter in the CJS object properties. Then using the request login event.

    How are you trying to test it? You need to be testing on a device in Xcode and that device needs to be set to use sandbox gamecenter account in the gamecenter settings.

  • sqiddster are you seeing the same issues in Firefox? Ashley's demo ran so much better for me than it does in chrome.

  • Which is cool. The waiting is much more reasonable now. Always seems like all these changes happen right when I am releasing a game LOL. Oh well, means I can update the game soon.

  • TheWyrm

    Thanks for the hard work man.

  • They are working on it, but you also need to make sure and optimize your assets. Right now CJS does not do layout by layout loading, so everything is loaded into memory when the game first loads.

  • Awesome. Looking forward to the blog post.

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  • I shall call it C2 from here on out.

  • No worries, I am sure Ashley has given them info before, so hopefully something comes of it. All my games are running fine on CJS, but this is an issue that would be a nice feather in the cap of Ludei if it gets fixed.

  • Now I am going to be totally thinking about this on our next podcast. Thanks a lot

  • ludei did reply to my PM, they got the email and will update us here.

  • I would post it in a separate thread or post it here

    That way we can keep the issues in a different threads.

  • No, it's the weekend, not really expecting to hear back from them until Monday or Tuesday.

  • I sent ludei an email with the Capx, but here is what I captured.

    CAPX is 4 layouts. Each layout is about 40-45mb of memory usage when checked with the C2 debugger. Lots of big images, plus one WebGL Effect (Warp Ripple) applied to one of the images.

    Touching the screen moves to to the next layout. Tested on ipad mini.

    Memory (RED) is what you want to look at.

    Now, first time game is loaded and on the first layout.

    Touched Screen, and now second layout

    Touched Screen, and now third layout

    Touched Screen, and now fourth layout

    Touched Screen, back to the first layout

    Touched Screen, second layout, second time.

    Touched Screen, third layout, second time.

    Touched Screen, fourth layout, second time.

    So I am wondering if CJS is dropping unused images from memory when a memory warning is coming up on the device. Instead of dropping all the images from the previous layout and loading in the new ones for the new layout.