ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I should mention I have an event that reloads/refreshes full screen ads every 60 seconds so I always have one loaded when I am ready to show it.

    I think one of the issues with Mopub right now is how little we seem to understand how it all works. Since it was bought by twitter, I know they are doing a lot of work on the website to improve things in 2015. Here is hoping.

  • I never realized it was the no backfill thing. It's why I try to add in several networks to get my fill rate up. I recently added in mnectar into my rotation. They reached out to me to try them and have been really helpful in helping me understand the process and how mopub works in general. I'll let you know how it works out.

  • I've never gotten good fill rates with Full screen ads regardless. I use the mopub marketplace most of the time now. Fill rates vary from 20 percent to 80 percent depending on the game.

    I'm still trying to determine the best way to do FS ads and which services to use.

  • Thanks Ashley,

    I found the sound that was causing the error. Once I removed it, everything worked fine.

  • Yup, when I set Preload Sounds to No, it starts up just fine. Now to figure out which sound it is haha.

  • Thanks Ashley,

    I will look into that.

  • I recently exported Hungry Hal to html5 and when I attempt to play it on my Ipad in Safari I get "A problem occurred with this webpage, so it was reloaded." The page then tries to reload a few times.

    Chrome iPad - Crashes, closing chrome

    Same error on Desktop version of Safari

    Runs fine on Chrome on Mac Desktop

    Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas how to find out what the issue is?

    Seems to work fine on all non apple devices.


  • Couple of things.

    1. Make sure you are compiling Canvas+

    2. Makes sure you are not using any plugins or objects not supported by CJS.

    3. If you can view the debug, it might give you some idea. Try it with the CJS launcher app and look at the debug and see what's going on.

    You can always email and they can help too. they will want to have a copy of your capx, if you are willing.

  • I've published all of my games with CocoonJS, including Hungry Hal

    My steps, as I am targeting more than just Android 5 and iOS8

    Sign up for their cloud compiling service.

    Download and install the latest plugin, and take a look at the example CAPX included with it.

    Export your project as CocoonJS (You may need to activate it by right clicking in the export windows and choose "Show depreciated exporters")

    Setup everything on the cloud compiler, drop in your zip file that C2 created and export as Canvas+

    You can also export and then try it in the CocoonJS Launcher app that is available for ios and android. Though I prefer testing actual compiled files.

    If you have more questions, just ask.

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  • No, a Trigger event only happens when that event is triggered.

    This is from the C2 manual

  • Well since Is Logged In is a trigger, what you might want to do is just leave it as a stand alone event and set a variable. I do something like

    Is Logged In - Set loggedIn = 1

    Then use that variable (loggedIn) in your function instead.

  • I think it's normal, what are you wanting to be able to do? Are you wanting Is Logged In as a sub event of the function? That event is a trigger.

  • Last week was thanks giving so we didn't do one. This weeks is done, but with Ludem Dare going on, Alvaro won't edit until early next week.

    We are probably going to start doing them every 2 -3 weeks instead of weekly.

  • Yes, myself and others have mentioned this bug on the Github page. Same thing happens if you are touching the screen when a full screen ad comes up.

    To work around it you have to basically do a check if you are touching the screen before launching game center.

  • TheWyrm

    It was mentioned to me by Ludei. I can't remember if it was an email, blog reply or what. I'll try to find out.