Aquanex2's Forum Posts

  • I'm aware of that fact. Was hoping that there was maybe some kind of workaround. It's depressing to think that achievements are gone for good unless I delete everyone's saves. There may be no "official" way of fixing this issue. Is there ANY workaround at all for this? I realize my mistake and can accept it, but I very much would like to get the achievements back up, if at all possible.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thank you for your response.

    I am on Construct 2. I thought that it would not be compatible since it's a C3 addon.

    Also 0.54.0 is the latest available version of nw.js for C2 as far as I can see.

  • So, I mistakenly updated nw.js to 0.54.0, forgetting that the Greenworks addon only works with a specific version. Now achievements no longer work. I don't want to downgrade because people will lose their saves.

    Is there no way of fixing achievements at all without downgrading?

    Any ideas welcome. This is very frustrating.

  • I recently made a tutorial for it, check it out

    Oh S**t! Thanks! I also had a problem with the overlay as well! Thanks a bunch!

  • So I've just about finished my game, and I want to put it on Steam. Everything is ready except for one major thing. Achievements. I've found a tutorial on how to get them to work, but I don't know how to apply it to Construct 2.

    Has anyone ever put a game on Steam, and if so, how did they get achievements to work? What's the process?

  • Have you tried RawAxis? See my demo project from this post:

    I tried yet another remote and it seems to work. I have no idea what the H is going on with my other controllers (1 being a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and the other a Generic USB Gamepad) which I have used on other games.

    The controller that worked is a Wii U Pro Controller which I have connected using a 3rd party application that will show it as being an Xbox 360 controller, which I know for sure Construct 2 supports.

    Thanks for taking the time for answering my post!

  • I'm not sure what's going on but Construct 2 seems to just ignore my Gamepads Axis and D-pad inputs. I think my events are fine since I copied them from a tutorial. I even ran someone elses capx that uses axis and D-pad and... Nothing. I even tried another controller. I know my controllers work because I have a button mapping program and it picks up on all my inputs.

    The weird thing is that C2 seems to pick up on all of my button presses, but not directional inputs.

    To test the axis, I made a global variable and an event that reads the axis movement and returns with a value.

    Global variable - AxisX

    Every Tick - set value AxisX to Gamepad.Axis(0,1)

    This returned nothing.

    Any ideas?



  • For some reason my Local Storage Plugin is nowhere to be seen. I know I added to my game at some point, but I don't see it in my list of objects, nor do I see it when I try to make an event or action.

    I also double clicked to add a new object, and LocalStorage isn't there?

    Any clue what's going on?

  • Basically what I'm asking is if I have some events disabled like this, when I export the game, are those events enabled again?

    There is nothing that has happened to make me think this way, I'm just curious.

  • I see... Thanks! That clears a few things up.

  • Just trying some things on Construct 2, and I was curious as to why global objects are recreated on a global layer, when going to a new layout. Does anyone know why that is? This may seem obvious to some, but I've got no clue.

    I should be able to use arrays for what I'm trying to do, but I was just a little curious why this happens.

  • this is a misunderstanding.

    The persistent behavior keeps the properties for objects when returning to the layout where they were placed or created.

    A global layer has the same objects on every layout, but the deafult properties.

    If you want to take an object from layout to layout and keep its properties, you need to place it on an normal layer and enable 'Global' for the object. Another option is to save all properties in an global object like an array or dictionary. You do not have to create any real entries there, but you can also create instance variables and store values like health, exp, strength etc.

    I Totally forgot you could make an object global. I considered an array, as it's for unlockables so it would work better, but arrays confuse me so I didn't. Thanks!

  • So I have an object that has the Persist behaviour. It also is on a Global Layer. There seems to be an issue when I load another Layout that has the Global Layer. The object's properties are reset, but I thought the whole point of Persist was to prevent this?

    If you go to another Layout with the overridden layer, the Persisting object doesn't keep it's properties from the other Layout, and instead resets them. Interestingly, if you go back to the previous layout, the properties will be as you left them.

    What I want is for the object to keep it's properties, as well as Persist Behaviour, without resetting them when going to a new Layout that uses the Global Layer. I need the Persist Behaviour so that the objects don't reset their properties.

  • I had a backup that works just fine, but I'm not sure what happened! All is well now! If anyone has any clue as to what may have happened, give me a holler!