Aquanex2's Forum Posts

  • I tried to open my game, but I receive a message box that says "Failes to load .capx. Folder to unzip does not exist. C:\users\aquan\AppData\Local\Temp\capNA6HX3\

    I don't know what to do! Help! Please!

  • Thanks a bunch, I tried it with one object before, but couldn't get it to work. I'll see if this works!

    It's actually been working totally fine for months, then all of a sudden stops working, when no code interferes with it.

  • I have two objects. One called FadeIn, and the other FadeOut. These objects are meant to be used as a screen transition. When you click on a level from the level select for example, it will fade to black, go to the level, then fade out to the level. When it gets to the level you can't see anything because the FadeIn gets stuck, not turning invisible or being destroyed, even tho I set the behaviour to destroy it.

    They are supposed to be destroyed after they fade out, but don't. Then I set it to turn invisible after it fades out instead, but doesn't. Any guesses? I have no clue.

  • I'm trying to use the continuous preview but it's bringing up an old continuous run of the game. I keep trying but it's not working. It just keeps bringing up my old run.

    Help Please?


    Ahhhh... I see... My mistake was I wasn't setting the volume every time I subtract from the dB.

  • Sounds like you are replaying the music each time with a lower volume, rather than using "Set volume" with a tag.

    Nope. Here's a picture of my code. ... s.png?dl=0

    The only other code related to the music is when you you finish a level, or pause the game, the music stops, which I checked to make sure that they weren't overlapping. They are not.

  • Yeah, you would need to explain the issues. I am still on Construct 2, but it should work the same way. Always worked without issues for me.

    The audio starts to gargle the moment I issue the command. The volume still fades out, but the audio gargles.

  • create a global variable called musicVol and set it to 0 or whatever the volume is supposed to be ( goes from 0 decibels to -infinity I guess )

    create another variable called fade = 0

    have an event that sets music volume to the value of this global variable

    Then on your command set fade variable to 1

    create another event: if fade = 1 > every 0.1 seconds subtract 1 from musicVol variable. That would reduce music volume by 10 decibels per second, need it to fade faster set it to subtract 1 every 0.05 seconds or whatever fits your game.

    I would also put some limits here. if musicVol<-100 set fade to 0 again so it stops fading because you can't hear anything at -100 anyway.

    You can also bring it back up again, same way, just set fade = 2 and add event that if fade = 2 ads 1 to musicVol every 0.05 seconds, and if musicVol>than 0 and fade = 2 set fade back to 0 and musicVol back to 0, so it stops at 0 decibels

    I did something like this before posting this, and I was having audio issues. What do you think the cause of this is?

  • I want to make music fade out on command. How do I go about doing this. Any help will be appreciated!

  • Side view or top view?

    Quick idea - Use a thin invisible helper sprite along one side of your wall. If the player is overlapping the wall, set the helper sprite to not be solid. If the player is not overlapping the wall, set the helper sprite to be solid and push out solids.

    I posted that I didn't understand, but I deleted it after I carefully reread it over. I think I've got it. Thanks!

  • Okay, so I would like to make a wall that the player can pass through, one-way, but if they try to go back, they cannot. Is this possible? Any ideas?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Then yes, collision probably happens between the frames.

    I would pin another invisible box to the player ("PlayerFallingBox"), the same width as PlayerBox, but 3 times higher.

    And use it to detect collisions with enemies when the player is falling.

    I'm not really sure what you mean by this... If you could make some example events and screenshot it that would help!

  • It would help if you could share your project file or a screenshot of your event sheet.

    If collision is not registered, objects must be moving very fast and be quite small.

    Say, if two sprites 100px wide are moving towards each other, their combined speed should be 3000-6000px/sec or more.

    You can make a simple event to check that the collision is indeed not registered:

    Sprite1 on collision with Sprite2 -> Browser log "collision"

    If this is really the case, try increasing their size by pinning a bigger collision box (invisible sprite) to them. You can only use it to detect collisions while objects are in the air and moving very fast.

    I didn't notice that you edited your post... Player is 32X32, and most enemies are 32X32. Player has fall speed of 800(but is sometimes faster due to powerups). I have different enemies, some that jump, some that move up and down, but all of which sometimes give me this problem.

    Anyway here is a picture of event sheet: ... n.png?dl=0

  • It would help if you could share your project file or a screenshot of your event sheet.

    If collision is not registered at 60 FPS, objects must be moving very fast and be quite small.

    Make a simple event to check that the collision is indeed not registered:

    Sprite1 on collision with Sprite2 -> Browser log "collision"

    If this is really the case, try increasing their size by pinning a bigger collision box (invisible sprite) to them. You can only use it to detect collisions while objects are in the air and moving very fast.

    Thanks for that info. I tried to replicate the issue on a test capx, but it's not happening. not sure why.

  • Hi!

    So... I've had this ongoing collision problem where if an enemy is jumping/moving upwards, and the player is falling, the player will be damaged sometimes instead of damaging enemy.

    I'm pretty sure it's because of the speed of both the enemy and the player. They are both moving too fast on collision for the game to register it. I've tried changing the condition from [on collision with another object] to [when overlapping with another object], but the problem persists.

    Any ideas?