apunx176's Forum Posts

  • Sent a mail

    Could you please send me another at cakillian(at)icloud(dot)com? I'm not receiving anything on the other one

  • Looks fun! Also, it's very aesthetically pleasing

  • I'm making large rpg dungeon crawler, and am in need of help. Skype me -Shifflebob or email me-

    I emailed you

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Is it paid?

    I would share whatever we made off of it 50/50 with the other person

  • What type of project are you think time wise and genre wise?

    I'm not sure about the genre yet, and probably a relatively small (and possibly mobile) game

  • Hey guys, I want to start a new game but i am not very good at making pixel art/art in general, so I need someone who wants to make a game with me. I have partially made a few games but I abandoned all of them because my graphic designing skills weren't good enough.

    Here's an example of something I've made: youtube.com/watch

    Email me at cakillian(at)icloud(dot)com

  • Email is cakillian icloud (dot) com

  • Hey guys, I am a producer/artist/composer/whatever. I started playing piano at the age of 5 but I have been producing music on a computer for about 3 years. If anyone needs someone to do the audio design and music design work for your game then feel free to contact me at .

    My Soundcloud is Compence. I make a lot of 8-bit/chiptune type music so if you're making a pixelated game this would work pretty well. I'm not restricted to chiptune/electronic music though.

    I also have some basic knowledge of how to use Construct 2 so I could help out with the programming a bit. I tried making a game a while back but I abandoned the game because there was another game just like it that I didn't know about until halfway through the project. I can do graphic design but it'd be pretty generic. If you need someone to manage social networking pages for some reason then I can do that too.

    I'm not yet sure if I will want to charge for any of this. I guess it depends on how much I'm doing.

    If you don't want to contact me through email then you can contact me on one of my YouTube channels or my Soundcloud. I used my soundcloud daily and I will get back to you within a a few days on my YouTubes

    Soundcloud: Compence

    YouTube: CalebTheMusic, CalebTheGaming, CalebTheSkiing

  • I'm looking for a 2D Artist again. If you sent an email to me back in July then please feel free to send one in again.

  • I've picked someone.

  • You can also look in the Object Types folder in the Projects tab

  • Sorry I just saw that, so I made a video already. You can see the coding from the video.


  • Yeah I just have to record the problem

  • Going back to black (0,0,0) isn't the problem. It's going to white (255,255,255) that it's having trouble with and its only that one line of text. And the text box isn't big either. I will try to make a video of it

  • Hello! My name is Caleb and I have recently started creating a game with Construct 2. I have hit some bumps in the road, but for the most part it has been going pretty well. The game is probably somewhere around 20% done (general programming, physics, and menu screens are in) and I would like the help of a 2D artist, because it is pretty bland right now.

    Some of the jobs that I would give you would be things like creating buttons for the level select screen, making the background for the game, and just generally making the game more aesthetically appealing.

    If you help me with my game, you will get a share of the revenue that is made from creating it. The lowest fraction of the share you would get would be 1/3 and the highest would be 2/5. It depends on how good you do and how much is earned from the game.

    To apply, please send me an email at cakillian icloud . com. Please include your age, country/state, first name, and any previous works or a portfolio. I would also appreciate it if you would let me know that you are applying by commenting on this post. I am 17 years old so I would prefer someone within the ages 14-20.

    You can check out the progress on this game in the link below. Keep in mind that the game has progressed since the last update.
