apunx176's Forum Posts

  • I'm bumping this. Sorry if that isn't allowed, but I still haven't found a solution. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?

  • So right now my game goes like this

    Main Menu ---> Level 1 ---> Level Completed Screen ---> Level Select ---> Level 2

    They all mostly use seperate event sheets right now

    Main Menu(Menu Sheet) ---> Level 1(Event Sheet 1) ---> Level Completed Screen(Complete Sheet) ---> Level Select(Level Select Sheet) ---> Level 2(?????)

    I want Level 1 and Level 2 to share Event Sheet 1 but I can't figure out how to assign the Level 2 Layout to event sheet 1.

    I would also be ok with something like this if it was needed

    Main Menu(Menu Sheet) ---> Level 1(Event Sheet 1) ---> Level Completed Screen(Event Sheet 1) ---> Level Select(Event Sheet 1) ---> Level 2(Event Sheet 1)

    To my knowledge, it would be possible this way because you could just tell it to go to a certain layout once something is touched or a button is pressed, but I gave them all separate event sheets. I deleted all of the seperate event sheets and added the commands on them to event sheet 1, but now they just don't work. For example:

    Player On Collision with "Wall" | Go to "Level Completed" <-----This Works

    (Now on Level Completed Layout) When "Back to Level Select" button is clicked | Go to "Level Select" <---- This doesn't work, and I'm assuming it's because it's on event sheet 1

    tl;dr How do I set a layout to an event sheet that it wasn't originally on?

  • I'm having a similar problem. Certain instances of cursor is over aren't working for no reason. I can't find anything different about the ones that work and the ones that dont

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  • Either this is a bug or I am simply doing something wrong, so it may belong in the bugs section instead.

    I have it so that when you put your cursor over 'New Game' and 'Level Select' on the main menu, they turn white and then turn back to black when you take your cursor off of them. The problem is that it isn't working for 'Level Select' and I can't see anything different about the two different lines. I also have a few other instances of this command and they all work except 'Level Select'.

    Mouse | Cursor is over "blahblahblah" | Set font color to rgb(255,255,255)

    Mouse | Invert Cursor is over "blahblahblah" | set font color to rgb(0,0,0)

    This is what the 'New Game' one looks like. the 'Level Select' one is the same except I don't have an invert to it right now because I deleted it. There's no point in the invert if the original command wont work

    I can't give out the .capx because my rep isn't high enough, sorry.