april123's Forum Posts

  • any solution or suggestion

  • is anyone faced same problem?

  • hi everyone,

    i have set css for button as background=none & border=none.

    this work properly for chrome and firefox but for IE button's css doesnt work.

    help me out.


  • game look too good

    all the best

  • hello,

    i want to make a sample game where sprites spawn outside-top of the game area and move down to the bottom.


    alphabets character or any 2d sprite appear from top to down like snow movement.

    thanks in advance

    you can use the sine behavior for ur sprite.

  • nicely done.....................

  • use the *


    thanks for reply

    actually m also using * sign but it throws me syntax error bcoz u can not directly use * sign

    you should use it along with () brackets.

    problem solved

  • hi

    i am having two global variables , both contain different values.

    and the result should be multiplication of both.

    how to do it?

  • hi,

    i have use platform plug in for my player.

    game contain 2 rooms as u can see in uploaded file.

    on time laps if my player is on server one continue button appear.

    if i click on continue it goes in next room but problem is that it get fall down from itz current position.

    player should be on starting door for next room.

    i tried a lot my setting position n all n all.............

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  • When I add anamation to anything and hit the play button, a pop up says it can't open shakers.he I am using the free version. Help please!

    when u add animation into ur image make sure itz speed is not zero.

    onstart of layout set animation frame to stop

    on click to play button start the animation from current frame

    hope itz helpful to u.

  • Hi everyone,

    My problem is solved.

    i set <body style="overflow-y:hidden"> in exported index file.

    feeling happy.

    Thanks to all for replying my post.

  • My native language is Hindi. I am Indian .

    I think my English language is fluent .

  • The scroll-bar appears because the window size in your project has greater dimensions from your screen resolution+browser size.

    Use Letterbox Scale on the Full screen on browser properties.

    letterbox scale property is already set still scrolling is there.

    is anything need to set?

    see m having one start page which contain few links to games.

    games are perfectly fit according to screen but star up page having scrolling bar.

    thanks for reply

  • Do you mean Zoom in?


    i wanna remove scroll bar .

  • Hi ,

    is any one know how to remove extra scrolling of page?