anty21ro's Forum Posts

  • Hi.

    Is it possible to add physics to my spriter character after I have it imported to C3?

    I want my character to have physics enabled only when he dies, so that it looks more realistic.

    I've searched for step-by-step tutorials on google and youtube... but there's nothing.


  • Hi.

    When I preview my game in the editor, the sprites that have warpradial effect applied work ok.

    After I export my project to NW.js they move/deform much more.

    It is true that I've modified the xml file of this effect, from 25(I think) to 0:

    <!-- Extend the bounding box for effect processing by a number of pixels to show the edges

    of effects which go beyond the object edges, e.g. blur and warp. -->



    Is there a way to take a look at the parameters of the effect after I export it? Or is there another way to fix this?

  • I think that tutorial doesn't work the same for me because it has to be adapted for my project. If you could take a look would be awesome.

  • Ok, but isn't the same thing?

    I mean, after collision, "system" events will trigger and 2 seconds later will quit the level?

  • Maverick1912 Which line of those saves the local storage?

    I made this save system after a tutorial I found on youtube.

    I tried to create an example of what I have in my big project.

    Curious is that in my example I don't get that value (Levels = NaN) at start of the level, anyhow it seems to work ...

    Could any of you look over this example and tell me or modify it the right way?

    And how to set ClearStorage properly so I can test it easily?

    I finished my original game project and I want to upload it on I just have to get done a few things like the LocalStorage - that should save the level progress.

  • I've tried that but I get the same result.

    The levels should be all visible in the MainMenu if Levels=18, when after finishing the first level it should be 2.

  • The problem is that it doesn't work properly.

    When I disable the group with the LocalStorage plugin, it work fine but it does not save the variable (obviously).

    When I enable it, when I'm in the MainMenu, Levels = 1, as it should. When I enter the first level, Levels = NaN. And if I go back in the MainMenu all levels are visible, when it shouldn't be like that.

  • Hi.

    I have a hard time saving a variable with the local storage plugin.

    I need to save the level progress in my game. I've included those events in the image in every level but not in the MainMenu event sheet. How should I separate those lines so they work properly?

    I am using NW.js

  • Hi! I've recently published my steam page. Check it for more details!

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  • Works! Thanks a lot!

  • staleevolution I've thought of that first, but it takes a lot of time to do it since I have other sprites, too.

    calminthenight Thank you! It works.

    Does it takes a lot of events if I want the chain links to be spawn correctly when the chain is rotated?

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