As is always the case, you try things out when you've posted on the forums ... it looks like it is now fixed with the following change
+ System: Pick Demons by evaluating Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle >= 315 & Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle <= 360
+ Demons: Is Pathfinding moving along path
-> Demons: Set Direction to 1
-> Demons: Set animation to "Walk_Right" (play from current frame)
+ System: Pick Demons by evaluating Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle >= 0 & Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle < 45
+ Demons: Is Pathfinding moving along path
-> Demons: Set Direction to 1
-> Demons: Set animation to "Walk_Right" (play from current frame)
+ System: Pick Demons by evaluating Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle >= 45 & Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle < 135
+ Demons: Is Pathfinding moving along path
-> Demons: Set Direction to 2
-> Demons: Set animation to "Walk_Down" (play from current frame)
+ System: Pick Demons by evaluating Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle >= 135 & Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle < 225
+ Demons: Is Pathfinding moving along path
-> Demons: Set Direction to 3
-> Demons: Set animation to "Walk_Left" (play from current frame)
+ System: Pick Demons by evaluating Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle >= 225 & Demons.Pathfinding.MovingAngle < 315
+ Demons: Is Pathfinding moving along path
-> Demons: Set Direction to 4
-> Demons: Set animation to "Walk_Up" (play from current frame)