Anthracite's Forum Posts

  • I understand what you mean, unfortunately doing as you suggest just reverts it back to following the player vertically.

    I guess a little more digging is required ...

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  • Gotcha, so that's done ... but the scroll when the player leaves the "camera" box is very jerky regardless of which number I use.

    Here's a picture showing the size of the box compared to the sprite

    And here's a video showing the effect

    What I'd like to achieve here is that as soon as the player leaves the confines of the "camera" sprite, it then glides nicely to recenter itself to where the camera box should be.

  • Thank you so much, getting there ...

    When you say ...

    x Is overlapping PlayerAnimations | Box set Y to lerp(Self.y,PlayerAnimations.Y, 0.5)

    Do you mean like this?

    The blue box is the "camera" sprite

  • Thank you for that tip MPPlantOfficial, thats helped to lock the scrolling horizontally, this is how I have it set up

    However when the player leaves the "camera" box because they are not overlapping it anymore, the screen jumps to the players position very sharply. How do I smooth this out?

    Thank you ever so much!

  • Thank you for your response MPPlantOfficial,

    The player animations sprite has the scroll to behaviour, however when the player jumps it also scrolls up and down as it follows the player completely. I'd like the camera to follow the player horizontally, and only move vertically when they go outside of a defined zone.

    I've tried implementing the Smart Camera, as seen here

    But I just can not get it working correctly.

    Many thanks!

  • Forgot to add, that I'm happy to pay via Paypal for assistance with this doozy

  • Hi there, so I am trying to implement a camera system similar to that in MegaMan X. I've looked around the forums and it seems most implementations follow the metroidvania style with room to room scrolling - that isn't what we're after unfortunately. Take a look at this video ...

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    What I want to achieve is for the camera to fix to the player horizontally, but only scroll vertically (either up or down) when the player hits a threshold rather than immediately. You can see this in the above video at around the 1 minute mark.

    Many thanks!

  • Of course! My apologies for being dumb!

  • Thank you so very much for this ...

    Could you advise the way to install it. I have followed the usual guide but can not choose chipmunk as the physics engine.

  • Currently our main character goes through a gravity flip (using the platform control) and as such she ends up on the ceiling.

    However there are physics objects in the game that I'd like to affect through gravity as well.

    I've looked into setting the World Gravity, but can not find this anywhere within the event creation process. Can someone point me in the right direction?

  • Thank you, I tried that but get the screen shaking all the time

    The Player Box object is called PlayerBox

    The Player Animations object is called PlayerAnimations

    So would the expression be

    PlayerBox srt size

    Width = PlayerAnimations.X

    Height = PlayerAnimations.Y

    Isn't that placing the object along the X and Y index rather than it's dimensions?

  • Hi there, i've been following a lot of tutorials on platforming games and one thing that I need to understand (but haven't found the right tutorial yet) is how to set the PlayerBox object (the one i'm using for collision detection) to the same size as the Player Animations object?

    Many thanks!

  • Hi there,

    For our main character we have an 8 frame run sprite sheet and an 8 frame shoot and run sprite sheet.

    If the player is running and presses fire, currently it starts the run sprite sheet from the first frame (as it should do in the code). However, what I would like to happen is for it to switch seamlessly to the same frame number on the run and shoot sprite sheet ... is there a method for doing this that I might have overlooked.

  • Hi there,

    I'd like my main character to be able to shoot whilst he is in the following states



    Jumping / Falling

    How would I correctly go about setting up the events to process this, as whenever I have attempted it the sprite never changes animation to the shooting variation, it just does its usual idle, run or jump (depending on what the player is doing at the time)

    Many thanks!

  • Hi there,

    In my preferences I have my preview browser set to Chrome, and yesterday everything was working absolutely fine.

    I boot up Construct2 this morning and now I am getting this message

    The strange thing here is that I don't have Firefox installed, and sometimes it boots up the preview in Microsoft Edge, very strange.

    Has anyone else had this issue?