anthonydsf's Forum Posts

  • rozpustelnik , hey after some hours finally i've found the solution to use the Timescale 0 and be able to set the timescale to 1 later, the solution look like a trick for me but it work perfectly and it's robust , the solution consist to use the wallclocktime system expression, and create a global variable who will store the wallclocktime + X time value , don't forget to reset to 0 each time the variable

    ok that's done for me on this topic

  • rozpustelnik , first at all thanks for your time ! yes i i set 0.01 it work but the rendering result is not what is expected

    what is strange is i can switch the time scale by pressing a key touch but i can't switch with a variable who ask to wait

  • Can you please attack your .capx and i will check this immediatly

  • No problem, let me try to help you !

    ok the way you want to do it is correct , what is your jumping animation name ?

  • Hi Guys !

    i think i will become crazy soon

    this is my problem, when my character hit another one, i would like to freeze the game x millisecond

    so actually i simply ask "Under some conditions" to set the timescale to 0

    but for a reason i don't understand yet, from the moment the timescale value =0 , even if in my code i said

    "on freezed = 1

    set timescale to 0

    wait 0.3seconde

    set time scale to 1

    it not work at all , i'ts like the timescale 0 not allow me to turn back to 1 simply as i want

  • bscarl88,

    you can mesure the drag speed, by using the touch speed function, the easy way for you to be able to check in real time, is to create a debug text and everytick ask it to display the touchspeed.

  • ok fixed , just need to find a way now to stop the jump at any touch end and set the vector y to vectory y/2

  • EgoAnt

    thanks i've just checked ! it work but only on ground mean, while i'm jumping if i'm in touch , the player switch between jump to Attack,

    could we make impossible to attack while jumping and i would say even in the air ?

    thanks again

  • , just remember, the concept is

    if i touch i should jump


    if i (touch and hold) i should attack on ground only

    thank you really much for your help !!!! :p i'm eager to view how you try to fix this

  • EgoAnt ! thanks , so to answer to your question,

    the attack action in my case should only take place "from" and "on" the ground , which mean, i should not see the player jump and attack at any moment in the air. so i guess the answer is a long touch to trigger the attack

  • Guys !

    i have set a capx sample, to allow you to check what is wrong in my code.

    my problem it's simple :

    as designed for mobile and touch input, my game is an auto runner, and i need to set two actions with the touch

    by defaut my player run then,

    if i tap , the player should jump on landing back to run

    if i touch and hold "mean in touch" i need to have the player who attack, then back to run"

    for a reason i ignore even if i use the else function , i can't have something robust who work every time

    i would really appreciate if an advanced construct users could check my capx to fix my wrong code

    my capx is commented and very explicit with debug function , but the shorter as possible

    thanks really to anyone who will fix my problem

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  • PixelRebirth, thanks for the time too you've took to trying to help me ! i'm currently trying also what you've mentioned ! and i would say at least you remind me that yes we can compare the Vector Y ! also yes i'm using the Platform Behavior, i will keep you updated soon , but thanks again too !

  • RamPackWobble, first at all thanks for your time, it's funny but sometime simple thing are always the best, so even if it's not 100% accurate with what i have in mind when i said a natural Vector Y curved line, at least , if i'm not in position to do what i wish , i will use this technic, so one more time thanks for your time and you're help ! Today i will post some others question maybe you will be able to help me too

    see you !

  • Guys !

    seriously, thanks in advance for your help and your time on this case !

    my need is simple,

    1 - When i touch or left click, i want the player jump with a maximum jumpstrenght value "done, easy"

    2 - Now the question is , i want on "any touch end" to stop the jump and keep a natural Vector Y curved line.

    i don't want to set the vector Y to 0 as it's look not natural.

    Any one Constructor have an idea ?

  • Hi everyone quick question and thanks in advance for your time,

    how could i during a platform Jump stop the vector Y at its current value and then having a smooth falling mean ie ;

    i jump vector y = -300, when i release my touch during the fall the vector Y decrese from -300 to 0

    Actually i have set this

    On anytouch start , platform jump

    On anytouch end , set vector Y to 0 -------here the problem------------

    the problem is with my method as the vectory Y switch from a current value to 0 , and it make the jump not natural at all :'(